Nostr, a simple protocol for decentralizing social media that has a ...
Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, that aims to create a censorship-resistant global social network. Let's unpack that a little: The protocol is based on very simple & flexible event objects (which are passed around as plain JSON) and uses standard elliptic-curve cryptography for …
Nostr Resources & Links
Awesome Nostr is a repository of links for Nostr clients, relay implementations, and more. Nostr Resources covers Nostr basics and links to many other resources. Hello Nostr helps novice developers with guiding and example code to publish an ‘Hello world’ to Nostr relays.
More tools - Docs - nostr.com
Nostr Profile Manager lets you edit, backup and restore profile metadata, contacts and relay lists. SnapNostr generates beautiful images from Nostr notes that you can easily share in other social networks. nostr army knife and NostrStuff let you inspect Nostr identifiers, events and relays and convert between formats.
The Protocol - Docs - nostr.com
Details on how the Nostr Protocol works and why. Nostr is very simple and yet very powerful. There are no owners, no certification authorities, no central server with an API that requires access, it is just a language that programs speak between each other.
分享|乔良:极简解析 Damus 背后的 Nostr 的工作原理 - 知乎
本期 LXDAO Buidler 将由乔良分享文章:Damus 背后的 去中心化 社交协议 Nostr . buidler 介绍:乔良 —— 去中心化可编程数据网络 us3r protocol 的创始人,长期关注自主权数据领域。 previously CTO@SynFutures, plebs@Binance, Bitmain,Grab.
GitHub - rust-nostr/nostr: Nostr protocol implementation, high …
Nostr protocol implementation, high-level client library, Nostr Wallet Connect, bindings and more.
nostrfastr - nostr_core
This notebook will walk you through the key characteristics of the nostr protocol and also make some changes to the classes from python-nostr that will be used in the basic client implementation. What is nostr? This notebook will attempt to describe nostr via python code. There are many resources dedicated to describing nostr in words. See:
Why Nostr
Nostr.com – Learn about Nostr: A simple, open protocol that enables a truly censorship-resistant and global social network. NostrExplained.com – A visual explanation of Nostr and how it works. Nostr Github – Nostr is notes and other stuff transmitted by relays. View the source code and learn about the protocol at a deeper level.
开始使用 Nostr
如果您知道某人在 Nostr 上,可以通过搜索他们的公钥来找到他们的个人资料。 许多 Twitter 用户使用 #nostr 标签发布他们的 Nostr 公钥,因此搜索这个标签可以给您一个很好的开始。 nostr.directory 是一个将 Twitter 用户映射到他们的 Nostr 公钥的数据库。
Nostr: The Ultimate Beginner’s Resource Collection - Ben Wehrman
Jul 11, 2023 · PART 1: What Is Nostr? Nostr 101 (Derek Ross, Ben Wehrman) The NOSTR Protocol: Social Media 3.0 (Jessica Chasteen) What is Nostr? A Non-Technical Overview (Brianna HD) What is Nostr? How Does it Work? Why Does it Matter? (@WalkerAmerica, BTC Times) Nostr: A Beginner-Level Intro Thread (@anilsaidso) Nostr: A Revolutionary Communication Protocol ...