Did Researchers Find a Mummified, Three-Fingered …
断言: A corpse found in Nazca, Peru, is that of an alien.
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The origin of the fake unboxed aliens is wilder than …
2023年9月16日 · The Nazca were an indigenous ancient Peruvian people known for creating beautiful geoglyph designs known as the Nazca Lines. They …
Scientists assert 'alien mummies' in Peru are really dolls …
2024年1月13日 · A pair of "alien mummies" that mysteriously turned up at the airport in Peru's capital last October have entirely Earthly origins, according to a scientific analysis revealed on Friday.
Experts dissecting 'alien mummies' from Peru find metal 'implant'
观看完整视频2024年10月24日 · Experts have begun dissecting humanoid, three-fingered “alien mummies” found in Peru last year — uncovering what they say could be a metallic “alien implant” wedged onto the specimen’s ...
La verdadera historia de las Momias Alienígenas de Nazca Perú
观看完整视频2023年9月14日 · Las ‘momias extraterrestres de Nazca’: Una farsa hecha con papel, pegamento y huesos de animales Una vez más, Perú ha acaparado la atención debido a un descubrimiento realizado en 2017.
"Aliens" found in Peru are actually dolls made of bones, forensic ...
2024年1月13日 · A self-describe "UFOlogist" brought the desiccated figures in front of the Mexican congress last September, claiming they had been recovered near Peru's ancient …
'Knife-wielding orca' and alien-looking figures among …
2024年9月23日 · Scientists have discovered more than 300 never-before-seen Nazca Lines in Peru — including alien-looking humanoid figures, decapitated heads, potential historic ceremonies and a surprisingly ...
No, This Is Not an Alien. Here’s Why | WIRED
2023年9月14日 · They are Nazca mummies, specifically “tridactyl Nazca humanoid mummies,” once presented as a great archeological discovery but since widely discredited by the international scientific community.
Nazca Lines ‑ Peru, Astronaut & Definition - HISTORY
2017年12月4日 · Nazca Lines and Aliens? Toribio Mejia Xesspe, a Peruvian archaeologist, began a systematic study of the lines in 1926, but the geoglyphs only gained widespread attention when pilots flew over...
These 'Alien' Mummies Appear to Be a Mix of Looted …
2018年3月16日 · Looted in Nazca. The mummies were supposedly discovered in 2015 by tomb robbers working in the Nazca region, an area where the ancient Nazca culture flourished. The mummies come from "a group...