Mont Blanc 149 vs Mont Blanc 146 - The Fountain Pen Network
Jul 20, 2008 · The 149 is longer and wider. Somehow the size of the 149 looks more right as if this is the optimal size of this design. The 146 looks great until you put it side by side next to the 149, somehow it looks skinny and small. Don’t get me wrong the 146 isn’t a small pen, it’s a full size pen while the 149 is a true oversize pen.
146 Vs 149 - Montblanc - The Fountain Pen Network
Mar 12, 2015 · The 149 is fatter and bigger overall than the 146. It has a big nib, and is a heavier pen. It doesn't make it more comfortable though, and some people really prefer the 146 size.
New And Confused 146/149 -Vs- Le Grand - Montblanc - The …
Jun 23, 2019 · New to fountain pens in general. I know the 146/149 are the Mont Blanc flagship products, so where does the Le Grand fit in? What if any is the difference in the 146/149 and the Le Grand? I have a feeling you all are going to say, the Le Grand is a cartridge pen and not an old school piston filler. But I just don't know, please someone ...
Mb 145 Vs 146, Or 149 - Montblanc - The Fountain Pen Network
Apr 4, 2014 · hi,like i said in my previous post, i am going tuesday to buy a chopin 145, but i also found this pen, and please help me and tell me if this is a size 146 or 149? and between 145 and 146 what would you choose( i know that there many threads on these subject), but in small-medium hands which will...
146 Vs. 149: Ink Capacity And Comfort - Montblanc - The Fountain …
Oct 25, 2011 · Dear fellow FPN members, Currently, I am contemplating treating myself with (another) Meisterstueck fountainpen. I was thinking of either getting a 146 with platinum trim or a 149 with the regular gold trim. Nib size for both would be fine. I was wondering what most people's impression on ink cap...
What is difference between Montblanc Meisterstuck LeGrand …
Oct 24, 2007 · The 'Le Grand' (146) has one advantage over the 149: it is available as a cartridge filler, if preferred. The cartridge version of the 146 is the 147 Traveller. The 149 is certainly an impressive pen, but it's basically a desk pen, while the 146/147 is more versatile - as well as cheaper. At the end of the day, it's a matter of personal preference.
149 VS 146 - Montblanc - The Fountain Pen Network
Nov 20, 2007 · Montblanc ; 149 VS 146 149 VS 146. By PigRatAndGoat November 20, 2007 in Montblanc. Share More sharing ...
Vintage 144 vs 146 - Montblanc - The Fountain Pen Network
Mar 1, 2009 · from left to right, 50's 144, 80's 144 Classique, 50's 146, 80's 146, 60's 149 (or early 70's, can't remember which 149 I put there but you get the idea) Rick Thanks Rick.
Montblanc 146 Vs 149 And Hand Fatigue - The Fountain Pen …
Aug 29, 2016 · I recently picked up a Boheme Big Size and that is lovely unposted, with a springy nib, somewhere in between the 146 and 149, but as they are no longer made could be hard to find. The 146 is the basis for many of the special editions, if I was buying one new I would seriously look at the Strauss donation pen.
Pilot 823 vs. Montblanc 149/146 - Fountain & Dip Pens - First Stop ...
Jun 2, 2008 · Without question, the 823 beats the 146 in most categories. The 146 is wetter, which I like, but an 823 can easily be made as wet. I have also tried a fair few 149's, and I cannot say there is any advantage to the 149 over the 823 …
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