Maraudon - Zone - Classic World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Maraudon is a level 45-52 dungeon made up of caverns located in the Valley of Spears, east of Shadowprey Village in Desolace. It is a combination of ancient centaur burial grounds and a temple dedicated to the elemental earth. Maraudon is broken up into different levels and zones.
Maraudon - Zone - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
2014年8月15日 · Maraudon is a system of caverns located in the Valley of Spears, east of Shadowprey Village in Desolace. A level 10-30 contested dungeon. In the Zones category.
Maraudon - Zone - 魔兽世界怀旧服TBC数据库_WOW2.43数据 …
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Maraudon Dungeon Guides Hub - WoW Classic - Icy Veins
2024年11月18日 · Maraudon is a dungeon with 3 wings that each sport a variety of different enemy types, as well as level ranges. Generally, the dungeon is tailored towards players between Levels 47 and 49, but it can be completed with lower leveled groups as well.
Maraudon - Zone - Cataclysm Classic - Wowhead
Maraudon is a system of caverns located in the Valley of Spears, east of Shadowprey Village, in Desolace. A level 36-39 contested dungeon. In the Zones category.
Maraudon - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Maraudon (pronounced MORE-uh-don) [1] is a 5-player dungeon, consisting of three wings (the Wicked Grotto, Foulspore Cavern, and Earth Song Falls), located in the Valley of Spears in Desolace. It is a combination of ancient centaur burial grounds, as well as a primal temple dedicated to the elemental earth.
Maraudon - Zone - 魔兽世界怀旧服WLK3.35数据库_巫妖王之 …
英文名:Maraudon 复制 成功! NFU社区为您提供最专业的WOW3.35版本巫妖王之怒魔兽世界数据库、最权威的魔兽世界80级中 英文数据库,包含魔兽巫妖王之怒怀旧数据,80级3.35版本的物品、NPC、技能、任务、地区、道具、声望,等详细数据。
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Maraudon - Zone - Ascension Database
Lists detailed information about the zone - Maraudon. Log in / Register. Database WeakAuras Guides Stats Tools Community. Database Zones Dungeons Classic. Quick Facts ... None yet – Submit one! Wowhead Links Maraudon. Show on map... Bosses (43) Tip: Click map to zoom. Tip: Click map to zoom. Tip: Click map to zoom. Tip: Click map to zoom. Tip ...
WoW Classic Maraudon Location, Quests, Bosses, & Rewards
2024年12月4日 · The Maraudon dungeon entrance is located in the Valley of Spears in Desolace. You’ll need to pass through a Stone Door on the west side of the valley, around 38, 58, to enter the exterior caverns. From there, you’ll have to wind your way through a maze of tunnels and caves to reach one of the dungeon portals.