Homepage - Macon County, GA
Welcome to Historic Macon County, Georgia Official Website with Information About Our Government, Services, Departments, Attractions, Businesses and More! Learn More
About Macon County - Macon County, GA
Macon County, Georgia's 91st county, was created in 1837 from parts of Houston and Marion Counties. Like the nearby-but-unrelated city of Macon, Macon County was named in honor of Congressman General Nathaniel Macon of North Carolina.
Government - Macon County, GA
Macon County is divided into five districts. One commissioner is elected from each district and serves a four-year term. The chairman and vice chairman of the county commission are elected each year by the five member board at the first meeting in January. View district map.
Welcome and Helpful Information - Macon County, Georgia
The duties and responsibilities of the office of Tax Commissioner are many and varied, but our main function is to serve you, the citizens of Macon County. This site has been prepared to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a property owner.
History of Macon County - Macon County, GA
Macon County was created on Dec. 14, 1837, from Houston and Marion counties. The 91st county, it was named for the recently-deceased General Nathaniel Macon of North Carolina. The earliest inhabitants were the Cherokee, Muskogee (who later became part of the Creek Nation) and Uchee Indians.
Board of Commissioners - Macon County, GA
Macon County is a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, created for civil and political purposes, and operating with powers given to it by the state legislature. The county's governing authority is the Macon County Board of Commissioners.
Services - Macon County, GA
Macon County Government prides itself on providing residents with outstanding services and infrastructure. Services are provided to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the residents of and visitors.
Departments - Macon County, GA
County government plays an important role in the lives of Macon County residents, providing services throughout their lives. Employees operating under the auspices of the County Commission record births, adoptions, marriages and divorces, provide health care to indigents, certify deaths and probate wills of the deceased.
Tax Assessors - Macon County, GA
The Tax Assessors are responsible for determining the tax digest, which is the value of taxable property in Macon County, and the amount of taxes due according to the state tax code. The Tax Assessors appraise property at fair market value, mail assessment notices annually, maintain tax records and maps, and inspect mobile homes for updated decals.
Chamber of Commerce - Macon County, GA
The Chamber collaborates with government, education and private industry to assist and strengthen local businesses, to be an advocate for business, and affect the quality of life for those who call Macon County home by providing leadership and direction for community action.