M4 Sherman variants - Wikipedia
M4A3(76) – a highly improved variant of the Sherman with production numbers of 1,400 Built by Detroit Arsenal and 525 by Grand Blanc with improved armor, firepower, and a better gun with a higher velocity.
The Sherman M4A3 Medium Tank. | The Sherman Tank Site
M4A3 Sherman: The Best Version Of The Sherman, Both in 75mm and 76mm. Jumbo Info here. This version of the Sherman would be the base for what would be the final Sherman in US Army use, seeing action all the way out to the Korean War in US Army hands. This tank had a welded hull just like the M4, A2, and A4, but used a new motor.
M4 Sherman - Wikipedia
The M4A3E2 Sherman "Jumbo" assault tank variant, based upon a standard M4A3(75)W hull, had an additional 38 mm (1.5 in) plate welded to the glacis, giving a total thickness of 102 mm (4.0 in), which resulted in a glacis of 149 mm (5.9 in) line-of-sight thickness, and over 180 mm (7.1 in) effective thickness. [120]
Medium Tank M4 Sherman - Tank Encyclopedia
Sherman M4A3(75)W (equipped with duckbills and metal track links) of the 4th Armored Division, 3rd US Army, battle of Nancy, September 1944. An up-armored M4A3 in the Ardennes, January 1945.
Fisher M4A3(75)W Shermans - Free
This particular M4A3(75)W strikes us as a possible US Army WW 2 combat veteran Sherman. It was once on display at the 1st Armored Division Museum in Baumholder, Germany. We had originally recorded its serial number there as 49047 (April 1944) because that is what is stamped on both of the rear towing lugs.
谢尔曼M4A3:标准的美军型号 - 哔哩哔哩
第二次世界大战后,陆军想对谢尔曼标准化到一个型号,他们能找到的任何大型舱盖m4a3都将装上t23炮塔和hvss悬挂。 在这翻修工作中,陆军彻底到没有安装原始炮塔的大舱盖m4a3 75保存下来的消息。
A look at the M4A3 75mm (W) Sherman - Military Trader/Vehicles
2023年5月9日 · This Combat Command B, 7th Armored Division, 1st US Army, M4A3 displays all of the characteristics of a late-war Sherman, including the all around vision hatch which replaced the earlier split hatch late in production.
M4中型坦克 - 百度百科
前进吧!美利坚!(五)——谢尔曼坦克各型号区别 - 知乎
M4A1和M4的正式生产型换用了长管M3型75毫米炮,反坦克能力显著提高。 M4型一共生产了7000多辆,而M4A1生产了将近10000辆。 【图4:采用铸造车体的M4A1型】 M4型和M4A1型都不是很让美国军方满意——M4的焊接车体又高又大防护能力很不咋地,而圆弧形的M4A1虽然防护性能好一些但是生产起来很麻烦。 后来,底特律兵工厂突发奇想设计出了混合车体M4——其车体大多仍采用焊接结构,但在车首焊上了铸造而成的弧形前装甲,在一定程度上解决了防护性与生 …
M4A3 (75)W Sherman - onwar.com
GENERAL DATA; Other Designation(s) M4A3(75)W (Sherman IV) Manufacturer(s) Fisher Tank Arsenal, Detroit Tank Arsenal (Chrysler) Production Quantity
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