Lorenzenite - Wikipedia
Lorenzenite is a rare sodium titanium silicate mineral with the formula Na 2 Ti 2 Si 2 O 9 It is an orthorhombic mineral, variously found as colorless, grey, pinkish, or brown crystals. It was first identified in 1897 in rock samples from Narsarsuk, Greenland. [3]
Lorenzenite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Lorenzenite mineral data, information about Lorenzenite, its properties and worldwide locations.
LORENZENITE (Sodium Titanium Silicate) - Amethyst Galleries
Lorenzenite is a rare mineral that was only discribed in the last 50 years. It is found on both the coast of Greenland and on the Kola Pennisula from where many new and rare minerals have been and are still being discovered.
Lorenzenite Mineral Data
Named for Johannes Theodor Lorenzen (1855-1884), Danish mineralogist and student of Greenland minerals. Comments: Striated, dark violet crystal of lorenzenite in cream-colored orthoclase. Location: Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Scale: 1.3 x 1.2 cm. Comments: Square vuonnemite crystal with brown, lorenzenite crystals in syenite rock.
Lorenzenite - MD-146996 - Flora Mt - Russia Mineral Specimen
2024年6月6日 · Lorenzenite is a rare sodium titanium silicate found in pegmatites and nepheline syenites. A lustrous, sharp, 3.3 cm, doubly terminated, chocolate-brown lorenzenite is nicely set in matrix on this excellent specimen from the John Barlow Collection.
Lorenzenit: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Lorenzenit mineral data, information about Lorenzenit, its properties and worldwide locations.
Two parallel crystals of red-brown lorenzenite with only minor matrix attached. The crystals are very sharp and well crystallized. The crystals have shallow, four-sided terminations.
In nepheline syenites and their associated pegmatites. Association: Aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite, elpidite, loparite, eudialyte, astrophyllite, mangan-neptunite, lavenite, o rinkite, apatite, titanite, ilmenite. Distribution: From Narss^arssuk and in the Gardiner complex, beyond the head of Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord, Greenland.
Lorenzenite - Encyclopedia
Lorenzenite (formerly called ramsayite) is a rare silicate of nepheline syenites and their pegmatites, exceptionally olivine basalts (Tenerife, Canary Islands). It was named in honor of Johannes Theodor Lorenzen, a Danish mineralogist who was particularly interested in the minerals of Greenland.
Lorenzenite is an uncommon mineral that occurs in nepheline syenites and pegmatites in association with aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite, elpidite, loparite, eudialyte, astrophyllite, Mg-neptunite, lavenite, rinkite, apatite, titanite and ilmenite. Optical Properties: • Habit: Equant, bladed prismatic to needlelike crystals.