  1. Copilot 答案

    Long Shadow Candlesticks: A Trader’s …

    • Long shadow candlesticks are characterized by their long shadows and small bodies, resembling a cross or a “T.” The ‘shadow’ or ‘wick’ of the candlestick can be on either the top or the bottom, leading to two type… 展开

    How to Identify Long Shadow Candlesticks

    Identifying long shadow candlesticks involves watching for specific criteria: 1. Small Body: The body, the range between the opening and closing prices, should be relatively small c… 展开

    How to Trade Long Shadow Candlesticks

    Long shadow candlesticks can be used to anticipate potential reversals in the market: 1. A Long Upper Shadowcandlestick during an uptrend might suggest that the uptrend is losing strength… 展开

    Example Scanner Based on Long Shadow Candlesticks

    Long Shadow Candlesticks can be used in Scanning the market. To see how exactly they can be used in this way, we provide the following sample. This is a scanner that searches the ma… 展开

  1. 是否只需要 Long Shadow Green Body Candestick 的结果?
  2. 是否只需要 Long Shadow Green Body Candestick 的结果?