Dark-eyed Junco (Leucistic) - Life on CSG Pond
Common Name: Dark-eyed Junco (Leucistic) Scientific Name: Junco Hyemalis. What to look for? White, sparrow-sized bird with dark gray streaking across the wing feathers and body. The Dark-eyed Junco (Leucistic) is a Dark-eyed Junco without the typical full upper body dark gray coloration. (See photos in right column for comparisons).
Dark-eyed Junco (Leucistic) - birdsamore.com
This is a leucistic Dark-eyed Junco. It is very pale or washed out in comparison to a normal Oregon Dark-eyed Junco. For more detailed information, read leucistic and other color variants. Check out more images and information on other Dark-eyed Juncos such as the Oregon, the Pink-sided, the Slate-colored, or the Oregon with Tick.
Leucistic Dark-eyed Junco (and Friends) | Kevin's Nature Blog
2013年12月31日 · The front yard feeders where we were staying attracted a good crowd of birds about 90% of which were Dark-eyed Juncos. One particular bird was there most of the time and sported some discolouration on its head which I attribute to Leucism. The first two pictures are views from left and right showing that the discolouration is not symmetric.
Albinism and Leucism - FeederWatch
Leucistic Dark-eyed Junco, by Gary Mueller, Rolla, Missouri. Leucism refers to an abnormality in the deposition of pigment in feathers. There is some disagreement as to whether the condition is genetic or caused by pigment cells that were damaged during development.
Dark-eyed Junco | Audubon Field Guide - National Audubon …
Audubon’s scientists have used 140 million bird observations and sophisticated climate models to project how climate change will affect the range of the Dark-eyed Junco. Learn even more in our Audubon’s Survival By Degrees project .
Leucistic Dark-Eyed Junco (Oregon Race) | Wings Over Skagit
2019年1月8日 · This first bird is a Dark-eyed junco, Oregon race. If you look at the face carefully, you can see that the area around the eye is composed of white feathers, indicating that this bird is leucistic. There are also faint traces of white feathers in …
Leucistic Dark-Eyed Junco - Bob & Diana McElroy
2010年4月9日 · For the last several days a leucistic dark-eyed junco — at least, that is what we assume it is — has been foraging in our yard as part of a flock of more regularly coloured (slate) juncos. It looks like a junco, it acts like a junco, it hangs around with juncos — but it's white!
Leucistic Dark-Eyed Junco – Oregon Race | Wings Over Skagit
On September 17, 2015 I observed a leucistic Dark-eyed junco in the yard. The term ‘leucistic’ refers to a lack of color in a species’ normal plumage colors, manifested as white feathers. In the past I’ve photographed a leucistic American robin, Spotted towhee and Varied thrush.
Connecticut Audubon Society: Leucistic Dark-eyed Junco
Leucistic Dark-eyed Junco I recently received an email from Emily Fitzpatrick who had a unique bird to share with me. Take a look at this leucistic Dark-eyed Junco.
leucistic Dark-eyed Junco | Project Noah
Over most of the eastern United States, they appear as winter sets in and then retreat northward each spring. Some juncos in the Appalachian Mountains remain there all year round, breeding at the higher elevations. These residents have shorter wings …