Egg Production and How to Get the Most from your Laying Hens
Aug 5, 2016 · If you wish to start a flock with good egg production as the goal, it's recommended that you carefully research the different breeds' characteristics and egg-laying abilities before buying any hens. Once you have an established flock and are permitted to keep a rooster, you may hatch your own eggs and then breed selectively for better egg ...
The Best Chicken Feed | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Apr 4, 2022 · What laying hens need Once a hen reaches laying age, she needs adequate calcium in her diet, usually 2.5-3.5%. If she doesn't get enough calcium, she'll draw the calcium for laying eggs from her own bones, weakening them. Low calcium results in eggs with thin, brittle shells that may even break inside your hen when she tries to lay the egg.
Egg Laying Behavior The Mystery Unraveled - BackYard Chickens
Jan 18, 2021 · Those hens that selected the litter tray spent more time exploring it prior to laying but also had a shorter final trip when the egg was finally laid (Jacob, 2015; Zupan et al., 2008). In a study of 24 hens offered a nesting box or litter tray 17 hens chose the nesting box while the remaining 7 hens laid in the litter tray of the first 20 eggs ...
How much does it cost to raise backyard chickens?
Feb 15, 2014 · A bag of laying feed is $20. We have four laying hens, four old biddies from our first flock and two roosters who get along beautifully (one belongs to my granddaughter). We buy a bag of feed every 3 months, which isn't much, but they do free-range. (If you can't free-range, you can grow grains in flats for your chickens--they love it.)
How much are laying hens worth? - BackYard Chickens
May 19, 2019 · Price varies on breed and how much money you have invested into them. If you are trying to turn a profit by hatching or raising chicks to point of lay pullets they will be more expensive than say someone who buys 4 month old pullets and turns around and sells them.
Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds - BackYard Chickens
Aug 15, 2020 · The Delaware was first bred in Delaware in the 1940s. Using Plymouth Rocks crossed to New Hampshire hens was common at the time to create broilers. Sometimes a lighter bird was produced from such a mating, and the breed's …
When will they start laying again? - BackYard Chickens
Oct 10, 2023 · Otherwise, most hens will commence egg laying in the spring, some earlier than others. Giving extra protein won't get them laying any earlier. I've known hens lay eggs consistantly on 12% protein. I'm not suggesting that 12% protein is what you should be feeding them but 16% is adequate for all bar the high production hens.
Nesting Boxes: Everything You Need to Know About ... - BackYard …
Dec 21, 2016 · It’s important that you keep the nest boxes clean. Hens hate laying eggs in a dirty area. Spot clean the nests as often as possible. Remove any droppings or wet bedding you see. AND always check for eggs whenever you make a trip to your coop. You never want eggs to sit without being collected for over 24 hours.
Why You Should Stop Feeding Layer Feed NOW - BackYard Chickens
Jan 18, 2018 · However, non-laying birds can include roosters, non-laying pullets and cockerels, non-laying hens, molting hens, and old hens no longer laying. Feeding layer pellets to these birds can be harmful. Feeding layer pellets to mature non-layers can cause calcium overdose, liver or kidney failure , or other issues related to a lack of protein (but ...
What Is The Life Expectancy of Chickens? - BackYard Chickens
Mar 23, 2022 · Young laying hens, known as pullets until they are a year old, begin laying eggs when they are about 18 weeks old. Chickens can start laying at different ages, with some waiting until six months and others (typically hybrids) starting laying at sixteen weeks. The production continues for a number of years.