Latin Squares and their Applications - ScienceDirect
Latin squares, or sets of mutually orthogonal latin squares (MOLS), encode the incidence structure of finite geometries; they prescribe the order in which to apply the different …
3.11.2 Latin Square Example (Peanut Varieties) Example: A plant biologist conducted an experiment to compare the yields of 4 varieties of peanuts (A, B, C, D). A plot of land was …
Latin Squares and their Applications: New Developments in …
2015年8月14日 · "This book is a comprehensive account of the subject of latin squares (and latin rectangles), by two experts. The book is written in a fairly condensed but readable ‘narrative …
- 作者: A. Donald Keedwell, József Dénes
Statistics 514: Latin Square and Related Design Latin Square Design Design is represented in p p grid, rows and columns are blocks and Latin letters are treatments. – Every row contains all …
Latin Square Design and Their Applications: Concepts in ...
2016年11月17日 · In agricultural experiments, if there is soil fertility in two mutually perpendicular directions, then the adoption of a Latin square design with rows and columns along the …
atin Square Design. Section 16.2 shall first present the concept of Latin Squares, used by Mathematicians and its resemblance with Latin Square Design, definition of Latin Square …
Latin square designs differ from randomized complete block designs in that the experimental units are grouped in blocks in two different ways, that is, by rows and columns. Therefore, two …