As Korea's largest global business platform, KOTRA operates 131 overseas offices in 85 countries. Leveraging its extensive global network, KOTRA helps foreign companies, organizations, and governments explore business opportunities and …
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Contact KOREA (EN) - Our network - KOTRA
Customized global talent discovery and recruitment support through KOTRA’s global network. Through 21 KOTRA overseas networks in 14 countries, we accurately and quickly discover global talents needed by domestic companies and institutions.
KOTRA 글로벌윈도우
경제외교 활용포털은 대통령의 정상외교를 통해 도출된 경제·산업 부문 성과를 한눈에 확인하고 관련 정보를 통해 비즈니스 기회를 찾을 수 있는 시스템입니다.
KOTRA Business
KOTRA's Global Partnership website is an online platform that discovers proposals from overseas global companies and opens the way for Korean companies to continue to cooperate with foreign companies.
大韩贸易投资振兴公社 - 百度百科
kotra建立了一个辐射世界各地的韩国海外贸易工作网,至2000年已在海外77个国家地区设有101个 韩国贸易馆 ,其中 中国 有12个,分别是 北京 、 上海 、 大连 、 广州 、 重庆 、 成都 、 青岛 、 武汉 、 西安 、 长沙 、 香港 、 台北 。
KOTRA provides comprehensive services for inbound foreign direct investment, serving as a bridge to connect Korea with global investments. Global HR Partner KOTRA supports international exchanges of human resources equipped with global competency and competitiveness. Economic and Trade Cooperation KOTRA …
KOTRA’s 129 trade offices transform into global bases for …
2023年10月27日 · South Korea’s Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) is playing a crucial role in helping the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) expand into overseas markets, with its 129 trade offices located in 84 countries worldwide serving as advanced bases for global trade.
KOTRA's Global Partnering initiative facilitates early-stage collaboration between global manufacturing giants and innovative Korean SMEs. KOTRA identifies high-potential suppliers and helps them integrate seamlessly into the value chain of major international companies.
critical role in sourcing global companies available for part-nering as well as in identifying overseas demand for technol-ogy cooperation in major markets including North America, (XURSH-DSDQDQG&KLQD2QFHVXFKGHPDQGVDUHLGHQWL¿HG consultations are held in Korea and abroad to match the global companies to …