Kinyongia boehmei | Chameleon Forums
2011年10月17日 · I have never used constant temperatures for Kinyongia eggs, but information about oscilation on a depth of 20 cm might not be the best info to use. In the November 2008 edition of the German society "AG Chamäleons", there is an article written by John Measey about K. boehmei in the wild.
Fred - Kinyongia boehmei | Chameleon Forums
2024年11月8日 · Fred the Kinyongia boehmei, I've had him for a couple months. Settling in wonderfully. This picture is about 3.5 weeks old I'll share more later since he has a thread now he's in a 2x2x4 he is 7months old in this photo, captive bred.
Kinyongia tavetana (Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chameleons)
2011年11月15日 · Have a clutch of Kinyongia tavetana (Kilimanjaro Two-horned Chameleons) that have started to hatch today. They incubated for a total of 316 days. The first 10 months were in an incubator at ~66ºF (19ºC) and the last month has been on a shelf with daytime temps as high as 78ºF (25.5ºC) and night lows as low as 55ºF (12.5ºC).
Kinyongia matschiei | Chameleon Forums
Kinyongia matschiei. Giant East Usambara Two-horned Chameleon; Profile Gallery Resources Experience. IUCN ...
Kinyongia Boehmei | Chameleon Forums
2020年1月27日 · does/has anyone kept or even better successfully bred kinyongia boehmei? I recently acquired two pairs. I have successfully kept their larger relative K. multituberculata in the past but these guys are so much smaller. I'v been trying to find some complete cares sheets on the species but so far...
Kinyongia multituberculata care info - Chameleon Forums
2011年11月29日 · Experience Brookesia Palleon Archaius Bradypodion Calumma Chamaeleo Furcifer Kinyongia Nadzikambia Rhampholeon Rieppeleon Trioceros Resources Chameleons Enclosures Lighting Plants Water & Humidity Food & Nutrition Health Caresheets Care Images Purchasing A Chameleon Chameleon FAQ Glossary
Kinyongia Fischeri General info / caresheet | Chameleon Forums
2021年5月26日 · Just phoned them and consist its a true Kinyongia fischeri. Small side note, the store is in Germany and I live near the German border in the Netherlands. It could be that it´s more common in Europe then in the States. Still I can find much information about the Kinyongia fischeri. Would the care taking be much different from a Kinyongia boehmei?
Kinyongia carpenteri pictures | Chameleon Forums
2010年1月9日 · The pictures of Kinyongia carpenteri look as though this species has colors similar to Kinyongia uthmoelleri. Which makes this species more colorful for an African species. As well they both have got tails that seem exceedingly longer than most other chameleon tails.
Kinyongia tenuis - Chameleon Forums
2009年7月26日 · The incubation method which was used is keeping them on room temperature, with a slight drop at night till 17-18°C.
Fischer's Chameleon (Kinyongia fischeri) | Chameleon Forums
2009年3月22日 · Kinyongia multituberculata - West Usambara Two-horned Chameleon Range: Western Usambara Mountains, Tanzania Frequently used, albeit erroneous names: "B. f. multituberculatum", "Standard Fischer's Chameleon"