KingFisher Saltwater Sport Shad Trace
The shad can be used successfully as a live bait for kingfish, barracuda, kob and garrick. Shad make excellent eating and are best eaten fresh. Permits, bag and size restrictions
do you use steel trace for kingfish | SEALINE - South African …
2009年8月9日 · If you use a circle hook then even if you are using straight mono chances are less of being bitten off (raggy's gonna bite youre whole trace off though). Obviously if youre fishing at night then use a steel trace
Selecting leader and trace - Part 4: Kingfish - The Fishing Website
This large kahawai can handle a heavier trace as it's a powerful swimmer; the nearby shallow, reefy territory makes a long, thick leader a practical approach too. Fishing with Lures. As already mentioned, kingfish can be caught using a wide variety of techniques.
Trace for King fish | SEALINE - South African Angling and …
2011年11月23日 · are you talking about a slide trace? honestly speaking, a 1mm nylon slide trace is better... i just feel safer with the nulon coated steel, 150pd dont have pics but for a dead or live bait I use a similar trace, not longer than 70/80 cm and both hooks fixed...
Rock and Surf Traces and Rigs - ULTIMATE ANGLING
No swivel trace. Started by REEFMAN « 1 2 3 ... ULTIMATE ANGLING - the Ultimate SA Fishing website » General Angling Topics » Rock and Surf Traces and Rigs . Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 45 replies) Locked Topic Sticky Topic Poll
What Trace to Use? - The Fishing Website
For targeting kingfish, traces usually range between 27-70kg (60-150 pounds). Traces any heavier are reserved for deep water fishing. Fly fishers tend to use long traces, especially with floating fly lines.
Leaders for kingfish –Part II - Boating New Zealand
2023年5月10日 · Not only does the trace’s extra thickness and abrasion resistance help when a kingfish drags your gear into the rocks and kelp, it can be used to help control the fish boatside, and even help lift it into the boat. I like to use four to five metres of nylon trace (fluoro is springier and harder to control) tied to my braid mainline with an FG knot.
Slidebaiting - A beginner's guide - NZ Fishing World
There are two types of baits you can deploy on slides, live or dead. It really depends on what your target species is. For kingfish, a standard livebait trace will work fine, recommended trace length is 1 – 1.5m but no longer than 1.5m. The trace is attached to the power swivel that the slide may or may not come with (depending on design).
How to Make an Effective Couta Trace - Nauti-Tech Suzuki
WATCH: SA Game Fish team captain Shane Dennis shows how to make a champion couta trace rig in minutes. Unique tips, about couta (cuda or king mackerel) and some tips for couta fishing.
Best trace for cat fish. - ULTIMATE ANGLING
2014年2月17日 · The best trace by far is a sliding single hook trace. The way I do it is by tying a 5/0 hook with a Snell knot and give it a leader of 1 meter then tie a barrel swivel. It depend how big the Barbels are at your place but I use 40LB mono for the hook trace.