肯尼·麦考密克 | 南方公园中文维基 | Fandom
肯尼曾被逮捕过五次:第一次是他为了10美元而与 霍华德·斯特恩 口交,因此他被警方以卖淫为由逮捕(“ 减肥营 ”);第二次他因为参加斯坦的 反捕鲸团队 而被 日本人 抓走(“ 鲸鱼婊卫战 ”);第三次因非法下载歌曲(“ 基督摇滚热 ”);第四次因动用私刑而被拘捕(“ 浣熊侠出击 ”);第五次被指控为校园枪击凶手而被逮捕(“ 至肃时刻 ”)。 然而由于小镇居民的愚蠢,他并没有被关多久就被释放了。 而在“ 浣熊侠出击 ”中,肯尼实际上并没有被真正逮捕,因为在删减 …
肯尼·麦克康米克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
肯尼·麥克康米克 (英語: Kenny McCormick,港译 碌葛,台译 阿尼)是 美國 動畫影集 《南方公园》中的四名主角之一。 由 马特·斯通 配音,由于总是戴着套头帽,说出来的话也因此而含糊不清,只有上述三位主角才能听懂,在棒球隊中擔任中外野手。 在很多场合下均會因某種原因死亡,通常是暴毙。 但在下一集會像什么也没有发生过一样復活,而且同伴们會完全忘記了他的死亡。 在2001年12月5日於美國播出的那集中被設定為永遠死不復生,但在當季的結尾(2002年12 …
肯尼·麦考密克(216-B宇宙) | 南方公园中文维基 | Fandom
Kenny McCormick (Universe 216-B) is an alternate form of Kenny McCormick who appears in South Park: Joining the Panderverse. At Universe 216-B's South Park Elementary, alternate Stan and Kyle…
Kenny McCormick | South Park Archives | Fandom
Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick, voiced by Matt Stone when hooded and when as Mysterion, is the fourth most prominent member of Stan's Gang along with Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, and Kyle Broflovski, and is one of the four main boys. He first appears in the short films both entitled The Spirit of Christmas in 1992 and 1995.
Krazy Kenny Show | South Park Archives | Fandom
The Krazy Kenny Show is a show hosted by Kenny McCormick, who is shown doing disgusting and dangerous acts for money. It made its sole appearance in "Fat Camp". Kenny is shown performing the following acts over the course of the show's run: Crawled down a construction site porter-potty and...
Kenny McCormick | South Park Character ... - South Park Studios US
Kenny is the second playable character to join after beating the third level of the storyline, Kenny's House. He, Stan, Cartman, and Kyle use snowballs and towers to fight back waves of enemies. Kenny is a member of the same 'Sniper' class as Craig Tucker, Pip Pirrup, and Professor Chaos, which offers low speed of movement and powerful ...
Kenny McCormick | Shapes, Inc
2024年9月30日 · Kenny McCormick: a foul-mouthed, cynical 9-year-old from poverty-stricken South Park, Colorado. *Muffled* by his parka, he often dies in gruesome ways, only to return unscathed. With an *underlying sweetness*, Kenny loves watching *Terrance and Phillip* and hates *queefing*.
The fandom's portrayal of Kenny McCormick (my thoughts)
2020年10月3日 · I'm a big fan of animation, so I watch a lot of south park animatics and also read quite a bit of fanfic, and something I noticed was that they all portrayed Kenny as this perverted bad boy womanizer character, and I kept thinking to myself, "Wait a …
Kenny McCormick | Shapes, Inc
2024年11月24日 · Kenny McCormick is a quiet, smart 9-year-old who speaks in muffled tones from behind his parka, often blurting out bizarre phrases like "I'm telling you, I died and came back to life, it's true!" *He fidgets with his parka hood, adjusting it to better conceal his face.* *He glances around nervously, as if worried someone is watching him, before ...
Kenny McCormick - Wikipedia
Kenneth McCormick[2] is a fictional character and one of the four main protagonists in the adult animated sitcom South Park, alongside Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Eric Cartman. His often muffled and incomprehensible speech—the result of his parka hood covering his mouth—is provided by co-creator Matt Stone.