कानपुर नगर निगम
2025年1月30日 · कानपुर राज्य का सबसे बड़ा शहर है और वाणिज्यिक और औद्योगिक गतिविधियों का मुख्य केंद्र है। पहले इसे भारत का मैनचेस्टर कहा जाता था। अब यह उत्तर प्रदेश की व्यावसायिक राजधानी है।.
Property Tax Management - UP
KMC Revenue department has computerized its property tax collection and digitized all the assessment registers. KMC has assigned a Property Identification (PID) number that is a unique number for each property in the city.
कानपुर नगर निगम - UP
We distributes high quality Gears, Valves, Filter bags, Pipe fittings & flanges, Conveyor and rollers, Power transmission, Sprockets and pulleys and many more quality precision mechanical components.
District Kanpur Nagar, Government of Uttar Pradesh ...
Kanpur is a major industrial town of Uttar Pradesh, the northern state of India. This town is situated on the south bank of river Ganga,located 80 km west of Lucknow, the state capital. It is also known as the industrial capital of the state.
Kanpur Municipal Corporation - Wikipedia
Kanpur Municipal Corporation (KMC) is a municipal corporation of Kanpur city in Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. [3] Kanpur has area of 10863 sq km. The corporation has 110 wards covering area equal to 403 square kilometres.
Pay Property Tax :: Online Services - Kanpur Smart City
Help: An Unique 15 Digit PID (Property Identification Number) is allotted for each property.
Citizen Services | District Kanpur Nagar, Government of Uttar ...
2025年2月13日 · District Gazetteer Kanpur; List of Holiday 2025; Kanpur Nagar Census; District Industries Profile; DVNL Transformer Replacement; Kesco Transformer Replacement; Citizen Services; Notices. Office Notice; Events; Tenders; Recruitment; Upcoming Events; MEDIA GALLERY. Image Gallery; RTI – Right to Information Act 2005
Kanpur Nagar Nigam House Tax 2024: Latest Updates
2024年2月19日 · Know all about Kanpur Nagar Nigam House Tax. You can pay Kanpur Nagar Nigam House Tax online and offline. Get all the taxation rules and regulations to be followed if you own property in Kanpur.