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    Can the Thyroid Cause Hirsutism? | myHIRSUTISM.com

    • The thyroid is not directly responsible for excessive hair growth. Instead, only an indirect relationship between the thyroid gland and hirsutism exists. As all hormonal systems in the body are connected, an imba… 展开

    Excess Hair Growth and An Underactive Thyroid

    The relationship between hirsutism and the thyroid gland is still not fully understood or confirmed that there is any. Different theories have been put forth about the mechanics betw… 展开

    Other Ways The Thyroid Can Impact Hair Growth

    The thyroid can also impact hair growth in two separate ways: 1 – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Studies have shown that there may be a link between Polycystic ovary syndrome … 展开

    Hair Loss and An Underactive Thyroid

    The thyroid gland is said to exist in one of three states: Hypothyroid (when the gland is underactive), hyperthyroid (when the gland is overactive) or euthyroid, when the gland is just perf… 展开


    To diagnose hirsutism, the doctor will first need to take a detailed medical history and carry out a physical examination. You may be asked about other symptoms apart from excess hair grow… 展开
