Humpback whales: Facts about the singers of the sea
Humpback whale - IWC
Humpback whale - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Humpback Whale Fact Sheet | Blog | Nature | PBS
13 Fascinating Humpback Whale Facts - Fact Animal
Learn about the humpback whale, a type of baleen whale that can grow up to 17 meters and weigh 40 metric tons. Discover their habitat, diet, migration, behavior, and more fascinating facts.
Humpback whale - WWF
Humpbacks are baleen whales, which means they filter their food through baleen plates. They strain krill, anchovies, cod, sardines, mackerel, capelin, and other schooling fish from the waters. Some humpbacks have been observed …
Humpback Whale Fact Sheet - ACS Orange County
Learn about the humpback whale, a baleen whale with distinctive features and behaviors. Find out its description, feeding, mating, distribution, natural history, and status.
Humpback Whale | Facts, pictures & more about …
Humpback Whales belong to the family of baleen wheels, which have a series of curtain-like filters in their mouths instead of teeth. Moving through clouds of krill or schools of smaller-sized fish, they suck in large amounts of water, then push …
Humpback Whales | BC Whales | North Coast Cetacean …
Learn about the humpback whales that return to the North Pacific every year for feeding and breeding. Discover their social behaviour, bubble net feeding, baleen, and distinctive song.