So apparently 150ms is the average reaction time of a gamer
While Human Benchmark isn't the perfect method of measuring reaction time, there were many studies conducted that attempted to measure it in a more scientific way. Here is a relatively …
How much do yall average on the human benchmark reaction …
2022年7月11日 · Actual ingame reaction time is worse for me because I'm on an old laptop while using wireless controller. Sucks for me in particular because I can't react on red against …
So how many of you have done reaction time test on human …
2017年8月4日 · And i don't think that humanbenchmark tests reflect our true reaction time, but the reaction time we have in that specific game. I, for example, had around 280ms reaction time …
What's your SR and reaction time? (Human benchmark) : r ... - Reddit
2016年9月1日 · I did one of these online audio reaction time testers and got about half my visual time. I was a little skeptical, so I programmed my own and got about identical audio and visual …
Human Reaction Time Test LARGELY Depends on your Computer!
2021年7月25日 · Completely false. Reaction time has a huge impact on in game performance and absolutely can be trained. In tracking, every time a target strafes your reaction time will help …
Reaction time and humanbenchmark : r/R6ProLeague - Reddit
2020年4月4日 · The benchmark doesnt mean much. You have your genetic reaction time which is the sensitivity to flight reactions (reacting to danger) and is deeply subconscious and inherited. …
Very inconsistent reaction time : r/pcgaming - Reddit
On the reaction time test on human benchmark: I can score anywhere between 160 ms which is not crazy but very good, up to 250-260ms, which I'm sure even my grandma will beat. And …
How to improve reaction time. : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2022年6月30日 · Human benchmark test, using your mouse. Aim labs or other aim trainers— focus on the speed category. Play more— naturally, your reaction time will be faster. THunt …
How can I improve my reaction time? : r/aimlab - Reddit
2022年9月4日 · I am easily hitting 190-210ms reaction time (human benchmark) and feel like I could be allot faster. There is a big gap in time mentally between the time I see the green and …
apparently have low reaction time - I'm a bit deflated finding
2021年2月13日 · Also what is your monitor and mouse? Try plugging your mouse into a different USB port. I plugged my mouse into my motherboard after having it plugged into my monitor for …