Principles of Dimensioning | Engineering Design - McGill University
Dimension and extension lines are used to indicate the sizes of features on a drawing. Section lines (hatching) are used in section views to represent surfaces of an object cut by a cutting plane. Phantom lines are used to represent a movable feature in its different positions. Stitch lines - to indicate a sewing or stitching process.
Critical Dimension - Drafting Standards, GD&T & Tolerance …
2012年5月15日 · Critical dimensions are subjective, based upon the function of the particular component being inspected. You would have to know the function and fit requirements for the part in question to determine critical print dimensions.
Engineering Drawings & GD&T For the Quality Engineer - CQE …
To properly dimension your newly designed product, there are a handful of important rules within ASME Y14.5-2009 that you should know: Dimensions [and tolerances] shall be complete so there is a full understanding of the characteristics of each feature; Dimensions should not be subject to more than one interpretation
Using Critically-Dimensioned Drawings - Key Tech
2009年6月8日 · With a single drawing note similar to, “All dimensions shall be held to within ±0.010” of the provided 3D part model unless otherwise shown,” a drawing can be limited to just highlighting the most critical features. This is known as a critically-dimensioned drawing, and it is generally easier to produce and far easier to read.
General dimensioning symbols are shown first. Some of these symbols are also used in tolerance specifications. The second set of symbols are used for toler-ances. 1.3 Symbol sizes are shown in the figures as values propor-tional to the letter ‘h’. The letter ‘h’ represents the predominant character height on a drawing.
In order to be able to produce a part from drawings it is necessary that all critical dimensions are shown on the respective views. Shown dimensions always define the true size of a feature, even if the views are not drawn to actual size. Note: never use rulers or scales to determine the dimension of a feature from a view in a drawing.
denote a critical dimension - PTC Community
2010年5月6日 · We use the inspection dimension style to indicate critical dimensions. Highlight the drawing dimension in question, right button menu > properties and then in the Display portion, on the left, select inspection
How to Apply Best Practices for Engineering Drawing Dimensioning
2024年8月1日 · The placement of dimensions on a drawing is a critical aspect of effective communication. Proper dimension placement enhances clarity, minimizes clutter, and ensures that the drawing is easy to interpret.
critical dimensions - Mechanical engineering general discussion
2002年9月10日 · If you are familiar with GD&T, you can use Basic dims and feature control symbology to identify critical dims. Also, some CAD packages have built-in options that are used during 2D drawing creation to identify dimensions that needs to be inspected to.
Critical, Major and Minor Dimensions 2 - Eng-Tips
2017年5月15日 · We indicate some dimensions on drawings as critical. There is no other designation. So a dimension is either critical or non-critical for us. However, critical dimensions are broken down into categories (variable or attribute). The variable designation requires capability to be shown.