  1. Copilot 答案

    8 Strategies for Sketching Quickly

    • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed before starting a sketch thinking it will take you far too long to capture something to a level you are happy with, or that’s even recognisable? Yep, me too. Well, the world wait… 展开

    How to Sketch Quickly

    While sketching quickly will be the focus of this post, it is not meant to be at the expense of accuracy. Being able to measure out key points in a scene and draw objects in p… 展开

    Urban Sketching World
    Want to Learn Travel Sketching in Ink & Watercolour?

    Simplify your tools
    Having too many art supplies at your disposal can actually hinder your sketching. Having too many options and not being able to choose w… 展开

    Urban Sketching World
    Some of My Favourite Online Classes

    Architectural Sketching with Watercolor and Ink – Alex Hillkurtz
    Sketchbooking For Beginners: Learn to Draw Your Surroundings – Maximilliano Vera Herrera… 展开

    Urban Sketching World
    Final Thoughts

    Thanks for checking out this post, I sincerely hope it has helped to provide you with a clear roadmap on how you can improve the speed of your sketching. Be sure to check ou… 展开

    Urban Sketching World