Steam Link - Dual Sense PS5 Controller - Wireless Pairing
2020年12月4日 · Charge the PS5 controller. Should be obvious. Step 2 Connect the PS5 controller to the PC, go into settings\controller\General Controller Settings and enable …
Does PS5 controller even work with steam? : r/Steam - Reddit
2023年8月6日 · PS5 controllers do work with Steam, but they don't have all the fancy stuff they do when used with a PS5, just basic vibration stuff. I've used PS5, PS4, and Xbox controllers with …
[Guide] Getting a PS5 controller to work with Steam/Non-Steam …
2022年2月14日 · Yes because the controller did work with Steam big picture but would not work in the game so if i did shift + tab to open the steam overlay the controller worked but in the game …
PS5 controller won’t connect. : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
2023年3月20日 · Ps5 controller won’t connect via Bluetooth. Im trying to connect my ps5 controller to my steam deck on windows via Bluetooth, but the controller won’t pop up. Is there …
r/reddeadredemption2 on Reddit: PS5 controller on PC
2020年11月23日 · Xbox Series controller gets recognised by the game with zero configuration, no issues. PS5 controller does not. Even with Steam beta, launched through Big picture, no luck. …
PS5 Controllers not working on PC for Dark Souls 3 : r/darksouls3
2021年2月6日 · right click DS3 in steam open Properties open Controller if the Steam Input status box only has Steam controller and Remote Play enabled open the drop down above the box …
Looking for help with a PS5 controller on Steam. : r/fo76 - Reddit
2023年8月3日 · Windows 11 recognized it just fine as a DualShock controller, and Steam supports the controller itself. I don’t see why it wouldn’t just work. Edit: It works fine with an …
PS5 Controller on Steam? : r/ModernWarfareII - Reddit
2022年9月21日 · But as a pc player that swapped form console years ago… jd highly recommend dropping the controller and giving mouse and key a try for like a month. After playing pc …
Steam Deck not detecting any controllers : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
2023年4月30日 · The Steam Deck is unable to detect my Dualsense PS5 controller. I'm holding the PS button and the share buttons together and still no luck in the bluetooth tab. I even went …
Pro BFG PC solutions : r/VictrixPro - Reddit
2023年2月10日 · To explain..pc recognizes every controller as an xbox controller..so when you connect it installs the controller as a 360. And steam seems to override me deleting or …