Homophony vs Polyphony - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
2021年4月23日 · Would I be correct if I were to define homophony vs polyphony as chords vs lines? Yes, this is correct. Mind that a) homophony and b) polyphony are just 2 different …
theory - Polyphony vs Homophony in Hymns - Music: Practice
2016年12月26日 · Homophony is the concept of a single 'line' as such, potentially split across several parts, but all moving at the same time - parts mainly follow the same rhythm. …
Is there any real difference between Counterpoint and Polyphony?
"The word counterpoint is frequently used interchangeably with polyphony. This is not properly correct, since polyphony refers generally to music consisting of two or more distinct melodic …
What's the difference between harmony and polyphony?
2014年7月21日 · Polyphony is a related, but quite different concept. Polyphony refers to a texture containing a number of independent melodic lines (or voices, if you like). A polyphonic texture …
Polyphony vs Monophony - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
2019年2月25日 · I am taking a basic music class as an elective and was given a chart to compare monophony and polyphony. The elements within the chart are: Melody, Accompaniment, …
In the musical texture “monody”, can the underlying harmony be …
2023年12月28日 · The concepts of monody and homophony are describing two different things. Monody is a musical style; whereas, homophony is a musical texture. Musical textures. There …
Newest 'texture' Questions - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
Polyphony vs Monophony I am taking a basic music class as an elective and was given a chart to compare monophony and polyphony. The elements within the chart are: Melody, …
How are polyphonic and homophonic textures different from
2017年8月5日 · See below. Most of the music we listen to consists of more than a single melodic line. More often we might have several different instruments playing together, each with its bit …
terminology - How do “voice-leading”, “part-writing”, “polyphony” …
Polyphony is a “musical texture … that consists of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody”. The currently accepted answer to another question clarifies that counterpoint is …
Is an arpeggio considered counterpoint or harmony?
2020年12月2日 · Counterpoint, on the other hand, is known as polyphony, which involves two (or more) independent melodic lines. Both homophony and polyphony contain harmony. In a …