Harry's Minerva Chapter 18, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction
Harry and Minerva have been friends since she started training him during the Triwizard Tournament. Now, Sirius is dead and Harry's learned some disturbing information about himself, his connection to Voldemort, and Dumbledore's intentions and plans for him. He's going to need Minerva to survive this war.
Minerva McGonagall's letter to Harry Potter (1991) II
This letter was sent by Minerva McGonagall and delivered by Hedwig to Harry Potter in the Upper Castle on 31 October 1991. Its content was to remind Harry that the second Quidditch match on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of the year was about to start and it was the Gryffindor Quidditch team against the Ravenclaw Quidditch team ...
Hedwig (Harry Potter) - Works - Archive of Our Own
After the Dursleys died in a terrible accident, Harry Potter was sent to live with his cousin in America. Some stranger named Richard Grayson... who just so happens to be really good at giving hugs, apparently. Title from Bird with a Broken Wing by Owl City. 18 /? It was a lovely day at Hogwarts, but it would not remain one for long.
One shots pt 13 Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction
Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived finished writing his letter and handed it to Hedwig, the owl that Hagrid bought him. 'Take that to Professor McGonagall girl. If you want to stay at Hogwarts, you can, or go hunt. I will be there in a few days.' Harry smiled when Hedwig rubbed her beak over his face before she took the letter.
海德薇 - 百度百科
海德薇(Hedwig),奇幻小说《哈利·波特》及其衍生作品中的角色之一。 [1] 海德薇,一只为 哈利·波特 充当信使的重要宠物。 哈利·波特11岁生日时, 海格 买来送给哈利作为生日礼物(哈利在《魔法史》书中找到的这个名字)。 在书中也是哈利最好的宠物,还是哈利的信使。 (魔法世界 用猫头鹰传信) 海德薇是一只 雪鸮,雪白的羽毛中夹杂着许多黑色的斑点。 雪鸮是猫头鹰家族中体型较大的,生活在 北极 雪地。 在第一本书《哈利·波特与魔法石》中,海格(Rubeus …
Too Many Cats - judypooveywrites - Harry Potter - Archive of Our …
2025年1月7日 · Scattered about the various trunks, one usually found an array of owls, cats, and toads comfortably tucked away in their cages. What greeted Minerva and Argus, however, was a chamber filled with an unholy din of hissing, spitting, and …
Families and Familiars: Second Year Chapter 17 ... - FanFiction
Harry took up a position between Minerva and Hagrid, hoping that a familiar face would help, and Hedwig opted for a spot in the trees. In the end, the precautions weren't needed. Norbert came tumbling out of his shelter like an overeager puppy when Hagrid opened the door.
Hedwig | Heroes and Villains Wiki | Fandom
Hedwig is a character in the Harry Potter franchise, debuting in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. She was Harry 's pet snowy owl. She saved Harry from a Killing Curse that Voldemort fired at him but it ultimately hit her.
Hedwig - Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom
In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hedwig delivers the Nimbus 2000 broomstick, purchased by Minerva McGonagall, to Harry. In the book, however, 6 screech owls delivered it, not Hedwig.
Hedwig in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Character Analysis - Shmoop
Hedwig is Harry's owl. Hagrid buys her for Harry as an eleventh birthday present – the first and best present Harry's ever had. She's a white snowy owl, and one of her tasks is to fetch and carry wizard mail.