Hanford Completes Second Tank-Waste Processing Campaign (Read more) Take a Virtual Tour Take a self-guided virtual tour of cleanup projects throughout the Hanford Site.
2024年10月24日 · As the prime contractor supporting 222-S in its critical role in achieving the Hanford Site mission (One Team, One Mission), HLMI provides the best value and lowest risk solutions to the complexities of managing the Lab.
At the Hanford Engineer Works, the ground disposal of low- and mid-level atomic wastes and the underground tank storage of high-level wastes were first conceived as temporary, wartime expedients.
2024年5月13日 · The 222-S Laboratory, located in Hanford’s 200 West Area, is a 70,000-square-foot full-service analytical facility that handles highly radioactive samples for purposes of organic, inorganic, and radio-chemistry analysis.
The combination of these exceptional operations and analytical firms provides DOE the most qualified team to support timely and high-quality analytical services at Hanford’s 222-S Laboratory. About Navarro-ATL
2024年8月26日 · Also known as the Radiochemical Processing Laboratory (RPL), the 325 Building is located in Hanford’s 300 Area. It was originally designed to provide space for radiochemical research to support Hanford projects and programs.
Hanford Laboratory Management & Integration, LLC (HLMI) under the direction and authority of its agent, Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc. requests proposals for 375854- Construction Management Support.
2024年8月26日 · The 400 Area at Hanford is home primarily to the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF), a DOE-owned, formerly operating, 400-megawatt (thermal) liquid-metal (sodium)-cooled nuclear research and test reactor located within the FFTF Property Protected Area (PPA), along with numerous support buildings and structures.
This document describes the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Hanford Site environment. It is updated each year and is intended to provide a consistent description of the Hanford Site environment for the many environmental documents being prepared by DOE contractors concerning the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
2003年10月31日 · Keywords Hanford Reactors and Reprocessing Plants, Waste and Nuclear Materials, Contained Waste and Nuclear Materials, Buried and Stored Solid Waste, Released Waste, Past Radionuc