Goofy vs. Regular: The Official Guide to Snowboard Stances
A: Goofy vs. regular refers to having either your left foot or right foot forward when snowboarding. While there is some correlation between a rider's dominant hand and their snowboarding stance, being goofy vs. regular mostly depends on personal preference and what "feels" best.
Goofy oder Regular: Der offizielle Leitfaden zum Snowboard-Stance
Egal, ob du deine erste Snowboardbindung montierst oder dich einfach näher mit dem Stance beschäftigen möchtest – in unserem offiziellen Leitfaden zum Snowboard-Stance findest du alle Antworten, die du benötigst.
Snowboard Stance Angles Explained | Burton Snowboards
In this overview of snowboard stance angles, the Burton Guides outline everything you need to know about common binding orientations, what each stance angle is best for, and when you should consider making adjustments.
Goofy versus Regular : Le guide officiel des stances de snowboard
Le pied le plus proche de la spatule détermine votre stance. Il existe deux types de stance : regular et goofy. Un stance regular signifie que votre pied gauche est devant et votre pied droit derrière ; un stance goofy signifie que votre pied droit est devant et votre pied gauche derrière.
Goofy vs. Regular: Den officiella guiden till olika snowboardstances
Snowboards har en övre del (nose) och en nedre del (tail) när de pekar nerför berget och vilken fot som är närmast nosen avgör din stance. Det finns två typer av stance: regular och goofy. Regular betyder att din vänstra fot är fram och din högra fot är bak; goofy betyder att din högra fot är fram och din vänstra fot är bak. Obs!
Burton Grom Bindings: Everything You Need to Know
Review Goofy vs. Regular: The Official Guide to Snowboard Stances for more information on how to set up your kid’s stance. Identify the front of the snowboard: If the snowboard is directional, the nose (front) of the snowboard will likely be slightly longer than the tail (back).
A (Debatably) Definitive Glossary of Snowboarding Terms & Slang
Goofy: Goofy refers to a snowboarding stance in which the rider feels most natural with their right foot in front and their left foot in the back while riding downhill. Note: The term has its origins way back in the early days of surfing and does not imply any weirdness or incorrection.
Snowboard-Angaben verstehen | Burton Snowboards
Stance-Abstand. Der Stance-Abstand ist die Angabe der empfohlenen Stance-Größe für ein Snowboard und wird üblicherweise in Millimetern oder Zoll angegeben. Beispiel: 560 Millimeter / 22 Zoll. Wie wirkt sich der Stance-Abstand eines Snowboards auf die Performance aus?
How do Burton Step On Bindings Work? | Burton Snowboards
Establish your stance. Review Goofy vs. Regular: The Official Guide to Snowboard Stances to figure out your stance. Place the bindings on the board. Make sure that you have the right/left bindings on the correct side (the heel release lever will be on the outside).
Gear Setup - Burton Snowboards
Select your ideal snowboard stance angles with expert advice from the Burton Guides.