Tesla & The Golden Circle : r/teslamotors - Reddit
2018年12月1日 · 2.5M subscribers in the teslamotors community. The original and largest Tesla community on Reddit! An unofficial forum of owners and enthusiasts. See…
About golden ratio and tesla turbines. : r/AskEngineers - Reddit
2020年9月22日 · The fact of the matter is that many engineering designs have cost as a primary driver of choices, and ultimately, a compact, efficient, and low-cost Tesla turbine seems to not …
A golden Tesla from Abd Dhabi, UAE spot on street in Taipei
2021年3月17日 · A golden Tesla from Abd Dhabi, UAE spot on street in Taipei. Any idea how and why is it in here ? Im very curious 😂 (photo from my friend's Facebook) Share Sort by: Best …
Anyone financed with Golden 1? : r/TeslaModelY - Reddit
2024年6月4日 · I got my loan offer through FI Connect, and ended up with Golden One as the credit union. Nowhere on my loan agreement does it show FI connect or Golden 1, only …
Tesla is now "post golden age" : r/investing - Reddit
2022年12月26日 · Tesla is now "post golden age" If you can't see the writing on the wall, then you deserve to be left holding the bag. Tesla is now "post golden age".
GOLDEN VALLEY: New Tesla Dealership Slated for Near Hwy. 55
2023年2月22日 · GOLDEN VALLEY: New Tesla Dealership Slated for Near Hwy. 55, East of Hwy. 100 Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.
Will golden ratio save Tesla ? : r/wallstreetbets - Reddit
2024年4月16日 · Investing in Tesla is for the insects among us. The Golden Ratio won't even save Gaudi's repulsive Sagrada Familia, let alone Musk's doomed EV company.
Tesla’s City is Impossible : r/IronHarvest - Reddit
2020年9月6日 · Even on Hard, a sentry-mode Katyusha can kill one of those Tesla mechs very quickly. As you progress further, you'll probably want to get your remaining Kolokols killed, as …
r/TeslaTheGoldenEgg - Reddit
2024年3月19日 · Tesla is selling a real product while also perfecting the product and methods to build that product every day in ALL AREAS of development. · Tesla’s sister company: Space …
Tesla: Cybertruck delivers Powerwall 3 & Solar Roof to San
2023年12月21日 · Tesla: Cybertruck delivers Powerwall 3 & Solar Roof to San Francisco's Golden Gate Park to power Entwined - Elder Mother : r/teslamotors r/teslamotors