- ゴジラ
- 根据 2 个来源
Godzilla | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia
1 天前 · Godzilla (ゴジラ Gojira) is a daikaiju who first appeared in the 1954 Toho film Godzilla. The primary focus of his franchise, Godzilla is typically depicted as a giant prehistoric creature …
Godzilla (ゴジラ, Gojira) is a 1954 …Gallery
Image gallery for Godzilla. Comments. Showing 5 comments. When …
Yuji Shinoda
Yuji Shinoda (篠田雄二, Shinoda Yūji) is a scientist that studies Godzilla as part of …
The Novelization
Differences from the film. The novelization is presented as a book written by Dr. …
Virtual Shakin
Description "Help Godzilla fight the onslaught of a total attack as the …
A squad of United Earth soldiers came under siege by a swarm of Servum, but …
Project T
Project T (for Telepathy) was a strategy devised by Japan's Counter-Godzilla …
Izu Oshima
Izu Oshima (伊豆大島, Izu-ōshima) is a volcanic island in the Izu Islands. It is …
Godzilla - Wikipedia
Although the process of creating Godzilla's first film is comprehensively recorded, exactly how its name came to be remains unclear. The most widely accepted report of its origin is that producer Tomoyuki Tanaka named the monster after sturdy Toho worker Shirō Amikura, the later chief of the theater club of Toho, who was jokingly dubbed "Gujira" (グジラ) then "Gojira" (ゴジラ), a portmanteau of the Japanese words gorira (ゴリラ, "gorilla") and kujira (鯨(クジラ), "whale") …
Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字What is the kanji for Godzilla? - Learn Japanese Pod
Some say “Godzilla” or “gojira” as it is pronounced in Japanese, is a cross between “gorira” (gorilla) and 鯨 kujira (whale). You can see this temporary statue of gojira in the garden behind Midtown in Roppongi Tokyo.
Godzilla (First Generation) | Wikizilla, the kaiju encyclopedia
Learn about the original Godzilla, a prehistoric amphibious sea creature that was disturbed by a hydrogen bomb test and attacked Tokyo in 1954. Find out the mea…
Godzilla ( Godzilla Singular Point ) - Wikizilla
5 天之前 · Godzilla (ゴジラ Gojira) is a kaiju who appears in the 2021 Toho anime series Godzilla Singular Point. He began life as a fully aquatic creature, Godzilla Aquatilis (ゴジラアクアティリス Gojira Akuatirisu), who was first teased in …
Godzilla (Singular Point continuity) - Gojipedia
2021年3月1日 · Godzilla (ゴジラ, Gojira?), also referred to as Goshira (古史羅, Koshira?), is a reptilian-like kaiju in the Singular Point continuity and the fourth incarnation of Godzilla in the Reiwa era. A mythical beast whose existence …
- 其他用户还问了以下问题
Anyone read kanji? Can someone explain what the …
It’s use is predominantly to imply an encompassing or whole coverage, and is commonly associated with Buddhist deities (the ra in Ashura) or concepts (ra in shinra bansho, “all things in nature/the whole of creation”). So basically Gojira …
Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary
Powerful and easy-to-use online Japanese dictionary with words, kanji and example sentences.
What the hell is "WURARA"? : r/GODZILLA - Reddit
It’s probably the Kanji for Gojira when verbalized in Chinese (not sure if Mandarin on Cantonese). The pictographic writing in Japan is Kanji. Chinese uses the same pictographic writing (I’m sure some are unique to each country) and the …
Dissecting Godzilla | KCP International Japanese …
2014年7月15日 · In ateji (kanji used phonetically) Godzilla is written as Gojira, a combination of the Japanese words gorira (gorilla) and kujira (whale). The giant monster was initially befittingly described as a cross between a gorilla and a …