Gen4 Backstrap Sizes and Hand Sizes Questions | Glock Talk
2016年8月15日 · Glock calls them back straps but in actuality they are sleeves that slide over a solid grip frame unlike many comparable models where the strap fills in an hollow void in the frame. I like the Gen. 4 17/22 frame better than the Gen. 4 19/23 frame even for concealment.
Glock “lack” of innovation a positive? | Glock Talk
2025年2月13日 · We can love Glock's original, reliable designs (I love them myself!). But we can have a "Glassic" (Gaston Classic) line, AND a new model (S&W can sell revolvers AND polymer guns, H&K still sells the new VP9 AND the USP, SIG can still sell the Classic P Series metal guns AND their newer polymer lineup, etc.).
Glock 19 Gen 5 Backstrap Size
2024年11月20日 · I bought a used Glock 19 Gen 5 with a beavertail backstrap installed on it. I want to buy some Talon Grips for it. How do I determine which size backstrap is installed, the 2mm or the 4mm. Where do I measure. Thanks for your responses.
choosing backstrap size gen 4 19 - Glock Talk
2013年12月19日 · the gen 4 without a backstrap is a smaller grip (the SF frame size) than the Gen 3. I switched to the mediums both on my G19 and G26 and greatly prefer the way they feel.
Punch sizes. - Glock Talk
2010年1月15日 · Punch sizes that we use when teaching armorer courses are: 1/16 Pin Punch 5/64 Pin Punch 3/32 Pin Punch 1/8 Pin Punch 3/32 Roll Pin Punch 1/8 Roll Pin Punch 5/32 Roll Pin Punch 2/32 Nail Set 3/32 Nail Set CY6 Greg Sullivan "Sully" SLR15 Rifles TheDefensiveEdge.com
What is the difference between Glock sights by model?
2017年12月31日 · A. Glock Factory Fixed Rear Sight Elevation (top of sight to bottom of rear sight dovetail)-> ALL Glock 9x19mm (except G17L, G43, and some Gen5) and 40SW pistols use 6.5mm fixed rear sights.-> ALL Glock 357SIG (except G33), 10mm, 45ACP, and 45GAP pistols use 6.9mm fixed rear sights.-> G17L, G42, G43, and some Gen5 use 6.1mm. G33 uses 6.5mm.
Steel roll pins fit Glocks? | Glock Talk
2006年6月16日 · There is a good reason why Glock goes to the expense of machining dedicated steel pins for those applications. For one thing, roll pins are not round they depend on the housing for support. For another, they are not as strong as properly fit alloy pins. Want one more? I'll tell you anyway: roll pins are designed to be oversize.
Which Glock Frames are the most capable of Caliber...
2016年7月12日 · Conversion barrels are out there. A 23 can use a 40-9 conversion barrel, but not a 19 barrel. You can put a Glock 32 barrel in a 23 since they are the same OD. Others are available for all frame sizes. 22 cal conversions are available for most frame sizes.
what is the best Glock to carry around
2025年2月17日 · Those smaller guns, while easy to carry, don’t always offer the same control and comfort, and it’s understandable why they didn’t vibe with the Sig 365 or the Glock 43. I also think your point about letting her try a variety of guns, calibers, …
Frame Sizes G26/27 & what others have that same size? - Glock Talk
2010年1月7日 · all 9mm, .40, .357 sig frames, subs, compacts, full sizes versions are all the same, so a holster for the sub 9mm will fit the subs of the other calibers listed, and the holster for the compact 9mm is the same as the others and soo on....