悉尼港 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
悉尼港 (英語: Sydney Harbour),又名 杰克逊港 (Port Jackson),位于澳大利亚 新南威尔士州 悉尼。 悉尼港是一个天然海港,东临南太平洋,西接 巴拉馬打河 (流經 巴拉馬打市),并被广泛地认为是世界上最好的港湾之一,更因 悉尼歌剧院 及 悉尼港湾大桥 皆坐落于此而闻名于世。 在欧洲发现及殖民澳洲之时,悉尼港周遭的土地是包括Gadigal,Cammeraygal,Eora和Wangal在内的一些土著部落的居住地。 1770年, 詹姆斯·库克 船長发现了悉尼港,并取好友爵士 乔治·杰 …
Port Jackson fig - mhnsw.au
2016年7月28日 · A giant Port Jackson fig standing at the eastern corner of Vaucluse House is likely to date from the mid-1850s. Together with an older Moreton Bay fig, planted on the western side, it framed the pale sandstone Gothic Revival house with dark evergreen foliage
Port Jackson - Fishing Simulator Wiki
Port Jackson, occasionally referred to as spawn island or "PJ", is the first accessible island in the game. When players join the game for the first time they will be greeted by Cody, which makes them start a quick tutorial of the game and meet the NPCs at Port Jackson.
GIANT Cuttlefish & Port Jackson Sharks | Jervis Bay Snorkeling
2021年8月7日 · This time of year the Giant Cuttlefish and Port Jackson Sharks congregate in the bay to breed and lay their eggs. While in the water, we noticed that one of the Port Jackson Sharks had...
Port Jackson Bay, Everything you need to know about Port Jackson …
Port Jackson, consisting of the waters of Sydney Harbour, Middle Harbour, North Harbour and the Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers, is the ria or natural harbour of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The harbour is an inlet of the Tasman Sea. It is the location of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Port Jackson in Sydney, Australia - TravelTriangle.com
This thrilling experience allows you to witness giant Whales enjoying in water. You will be taken to the middle of the ocean on the cruise or a boat for this show. At Port Jackson, Australia, you can also enjoy ferries that would guide and take you to their routine sightseeing destinations like Sydney Fish Market Ferry, Sydney Tower Eye, etc ...
Port Jackson - Wikiwand
Port Jackson, commonly known as Sydney Harbour, consists of the waters of Sydney Harbour, Middle Harbour, North Harbour and the Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers, is the ria or natural harbour of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The harbour is an inlet of the Tasman Sea (part of the South Pacific Ocean).
ポート・ジャクソン湾 - Wikipedia
ポート・ジャクソン湾(Port Jackson)は、オーストラリア大陸の東海岸、ニューサウスウェールズ州 シドニーの市街地およびシドニー港が面している天然の入り江。
Port Jackson Shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Meyer, 1793)
The Port Jackson Shark is a distinctive blunt-headed fish that has a spine in front of both dorsal fins. Port Jackson Sharks have harness-like markings which cross the eyes, run along the back to the first dorsal fin, then cross the side of the body. This …
Port Jackson Shark - SydneyDives
The Port Jackson Shark (Heterodontus Portusjacksoni) is often seen in Sydney Australia, especially during the winter months when large numbers gather to breed