Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV‐1) can induce ulcerative lesions of the gingival margin leading to deep gingival recessions. Contrarily to gingival recessions induced by periodontitis or mechanical trauma, gingival recessions induced by HSV‐1 have fast onset/progression and viral etiopathogenesis.
了解详细信息:Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV‐1) can induce ulcerative lesions of the gingival margin leading to deep gingival recessions. Contrarily to gingival recessions induced by periodontitis or mechanical trauma, gingival recessions induced by HSV‐1 have fast onset/progression and viral etiopathogenesis.
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9347318/In all cases, the gingiva exhibits painful swelling and erythema; in addition, characteristic “punched-out” erosions may be evident along the midfacial free gingival margin. Lesions also can involve other oral sites, such as the labial mucosa, lip vermilion, buccal mucosa, and tongue.
www.sciencedirect.com/topics/immunology-and-mi…Another manifestation of herpetic primary stomatitis is an acute inflammation of the gingival margin and attached gingiva which is not accompanied by vesicular lesions. Inflammatory macroglossia is sometimes observed simultaneously. 9 Herpetic geometric glossitis is described as an uncommon clinical manifestation of a primary HSV‐1 infection ...
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9347697/Adjacent lesions may coalesce to form irregular ulcerations. Lesions may involve buccal mucosa, tongue, posterior pharynx, and any gingival and palatal mucosae. Moreover, the affected gingivae often exhibit discernible erosions along the midfacial free gingival margins, and these may precede the appearance of the mucosal vesicles [3, 12 ...
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S119874…viral etiology of gingival recessions when herpetic ulcers are located to the gingival margin. Other herpes viruses like Epstein–Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus were associ-ated with severe types of oral disease, including increased gingival inflammation and periodontal attachment loss,7 periodontal abscesses,8 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingi-
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ccr3.6056Gingival recessions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in a patient …
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV‐1) can induce ulcerative lesions of the gingival margin leading to deep gingival recessions. Contrarily to gingival recessions induced by periodontitis or mechanical trauma, gingival recessions induced by HSV‐1 have fast onset/progression and viral …
仅显示来自 pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 的搜索结果Gingival recessions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in a patient …
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV‐1) can induce ulcerative lesions of the gingival margin leading to deep gingival recessions. Contrarily to gingiva…
Herpetic Gingivostomatitis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In all cases, the gingiva exhibits painful swelling and erythema; in addition, characteristic “punched-out” erosions may be evident along the midfacial free gingival margin. Lesions also …
Herpes simplex virus infection: Management of primary …
Another manifestation of herpetic primary stomatitis is an acute inflammation of the gingival margin and attached gingiva which is not accompanied by vesicular lesions. Inflammatory macroglossia is sometimes observed simultaneously. 9 …
Herpes simplex virus infection, with particular reference to the ...
2006年3月1日 · Adjacent lesions may coalesce to form irregular ulcerations. Lesions may involve buccal mucosa, tongue, posterior pharynx, and any gingival and palatal mucosae. Moreover, …
- 作者: A. Kolokotronis, S. Doumas
- Publish Year: 2006
viral etiology of gingival recessions when herpetic ulcers are located to the gingival margin. Other herpes viruses like Epstein–Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus were associ-ated with severe …
Viral etiology of gingival recession. A case report - PubMed
Eight months after surgery, a new herpetic lesion was detected in correspondence to the gingival margin of the first lower right premolar; therefore, acyclovir was prescribed. After 1 week, the …
Gingival recessions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in a ... - PubMed
2022年8月3日 · This report illustrates a case of HSV-1 in a patient with Covid-19 infection, showing the presence of ulcers and vesicles on the gingival margin of maxillary teeth …
Clinical Features, Etiopathogenesis, and Therapeutic Approaches of ...
“A localised, painful, rapidly expanding lesion involving the marginal gingiva or interdental papilla, sometimes in an area previously free of disease" is the definition of a gingival abscess by the …
Gingival recessions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in a patient with
2022年8月3日 · Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV‐1) can induce ulcerative lesions of the gingival margin leading to deep gingival recessions. Contrarily to gingival recessions induced by …
Herpes gingivostomatitis - WikEM
↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 George AK, Anil S. Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis Associated with Herpes Simplex Virus 2: Report of a Case. Journal of International Oral Health : JIOH. 2014;6(3):99-102. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mohan RPS, Verma S, Singh U, …