Flowery writing? | Creative Writing Forums - Writing Help, Writing ...
2012年1月11日 · Flowery is something that's overly descriptive. As in too many adjectives/adverbs. It used to be the biggest thing in the past but seems to have fallen out of trend lately, which is a good thing because damn, flowery writing is annoying.
Style Straight forward writing vs. 'flowery' writing - Writing Forums
2012年12月9日 · When I saw 'flowery' writing I mean the type with strong words and descriptions that draw the reader into the story and leave little to the imagination. Thoughts? Lewdog , Aug 8, 2015
Writing Flowery Description
2008年8月4日 · Writing flowery-ly is a wasted opportunity that would be better used developing the story, IMO. That's not to say relevant descriptions can't be purple, but i'd recommend against purple prose for the sake it, personally, but you seem to understand that.
Descriptiveness and flowery language in stories | Creative Writing ...
2012年11月9日 · I bring this up because I see a parallel between long flowery sentences and curse words. From what I understand it is well acknowledged that a writer of any notable skill can write long flowery paragraph, beautiful things that say so much while saying so little. But the issue with consistently writing these paragraphs is that you reduce their ...
help with overly flowery writing | Creative Writing Forums - Writing ...
2010年4月21日 · help with overly flowery writing Discussion in ' Setting Development ' started by amariel , Apr 21, 2010 . I have come to realize I tend to write overly flowery descriptions.
Who likes short shorts? | Creative Writing Forums - Writing Help ...
2025年1月16日 · I dunno if I'm just plotting longer stories or losing my ability to write concisely. My older stories largely focussed on the actual plot elements and events, without huge amounts of characterisation. I don't think my prose is becoming more flowery (at least as far as descriptive writing is concerned).
Describing a new planet? - Creative Writing Forums
2010年4月5日 · Maybe you could write a short fictional piece in the vein of a travel writer, just focussing on whats happening on the planet, with all thoughts of your other story on the back burner.
Style - Straight forward writing vs. 'flowery' writing | Page 2 ...
2015年8月9日 · Keeping with the analogy, I would compare Hemingway's writing to a tiny peephole. The view is crystal clear, but you see such a small part of the picture that the peephole draws attention to itself in a weirdly ironic way. You realize most of the picture is being hidden from you and you strain to extrapolate what you cannot see.
How can I make my writing sound old-fashioned?
2020年3月31日 · So, I was wondering if you guys have any idea of how old writing and prose was structured. (I don't want to have to rely on using archaic words to try to make my writing sound old, and I don't want to make it sound like Shakespeare with all his thou's and thine's and words that end with -eth.)
Do you agree w/George Orwell? | Creative Writing Forums
2012年9月6日 · Do you agree with George Orwell when he states, "Never use a long word where a short one will do"? I have been reading a few "hit novels" and I see...