How to install fender welting - Classic Parts Talk
2007年12月11日 · Time for fender welting on the rear fenders. Start by spreading a thin layer of weatherstrip adhesive on the fender lip. View attachment 23461 Lay out welt and cut to approximate size. Run another thin layer of adhesive across the welt and adhere to straight run. Glue down and tapr to hold in place. View attachment 23462
Fender welt - Classic Parts Talk
2006年6月8日 · My truck does have the fender welting and it is black. Welting is one of those things that I think you don't notice even if it is a different color but you do notice if it is painted the same color but starts cracking.. My truck has a whole lot of red on it so I …
who's using fender welt - Classic Parts Talk
2003年10月30日 · I think fender welting is a good idea as it stops rust and paint damage , even on beat to crap work trucks like mine Remember this : GM never put _anything_ on these low dollar trucks they didn't think was absolutely necessary ! Baby steps , you'll get there in due time .
Two More Questions and Blank off Plate Picture needed
2006年2月19日 · The repop inner fender has a lip on it and it looks like it will cause the outer fender to be spaced out unless the welting takes up the quarter inch or so of space. I like the look of the welded up plates but if the seals are available I might go original. I don't know about the staples either or how you get them through the metal plates.
How to assemble an AD - Classic Parts Talk
2008年12月10日 · Time for fender welting on the rear fenders. Start by spreading a thin layer of weatherstrip adhesive on the fender lip. Lay out welt and cut to approximate size. Run another thin layer of adhesive across the welt and adhere to …
89 suburban swap... | Classic Parts Talk
2010年7月1日 · They fit without a problem. On the rear I have truck rally wheels which are 15 x 8 and 255/70R15 tires they do not clear the stepside fenders. I made some 3/4" thick fiberglass spacers for use between the fender and bed side. My truck is satin black. I used fender welting between the fender and the spacer.
fender to cab gap problem - Classic Parts Talk
2006年3月28日 · When I assembled my freshly painted 54 3100,I could see daylight between the cab and the front fenders much as you describe. I had used welting, so you had to get under the fender to see any light. I used black silicon caulk from underneath. Once i sealed the crack,and blocked the light, the gap really hid itself.
1950 Running Board Placement - Classic Parts Talk
2016年6月2日 · Here are some numbers from one laying on its side so measurements were easy to pull. All are measured from the front of the back fender to the center of the bolts in the running board bracket. Rear: 2 1/4 to inside bolt x 4 to outside bolt. Middle: 29 3/4 inside x 31 outside. Front: 60 inside x 61 1/2 outside.
How to assemble an AD | Page 2 | Classic Parts Talk
2009年2月5日 · The green is just a shade off of Juniper Green, the origional color of the truck. It is by Speis Heckler. The semi gloss black on the inner fenders and frame is reduced rustoleum, then the undercoating was applied. I put at least 2 layers of rubberized undercoating for noise control and to help eliminate rock dings into the fender tops.
Bolting the front end on | Classic Parts Talk
2013年8月24日 · 2 people really helps, but 1 can do it. Mount the rad. support first, then hang fenders with inner fenders, be shure to brace up the rad support so it doesn't tip over with only 1 fender. HAND tighten everything to do with the front clip, close the hood and move everything around to get the best fit possible.