Face the Future
Face the Future develops unique forestry projects to mitigate climate change, certified according to the highest international standards. In cooperation with our partners, we realize projects with multiple positive impacts.
Face the Future
Face the Future specializes in the development, management and monitoring of forest projects, carbon project certification and the marketing of carbon credits. Our first reforestation project began in 1992.
Face the Future
Face the Future works all over the world to develop afforestation projects to mitigate climate change – also in the Netherlands. In fact, the first tree we ever planted was on our own land: when we were barely a year old, we planted our first ‘climate forest’ in …
Face the Future
FACE THE FUTURE. PROJECTS. Intro tekst voor project overview pagina. Projects. Project Tavolo, Papua New Guinea. ... Forest rehabilitation and conservation + Project Kibale, Uganda. Reforestation + GET IN TOUCH. Name. Email. Message. Head office. Face Forests B.V. Hollandseweg 7h 6706KN Wageningen Nederland CoC-number: 75287609. Phone: +31 317 ...
Face the Future
Face the Future has been working on the restoration and protection of the acutely degraded forest in the INFAPRO project area since 1992. We do this in collaboration with our partner Sabah Foundation, through means of enrichment planting.
Face the Future
Face the Future started an agroforestry pilot with smallholders around Kibale National Park. By incorporating more trees and perennial plants, the farm becomes more resilient to erosion and weather extremes.
Face the Future
Sep 28, 2021 · As Face the Future we will be guiding the process of VCS and CCB certification for which we will give trainings, implement carbon assessments, supervise the Social Biodiversity Impact Analysis, and CCB data analysis and reporting.
Face the Future
Together with the Tavolo Community and FORCERT, Face the Future has developed the “PNG Communities BEST REDD - Tavolo Project” to prevent the planned large-scale deforestation on the Tavolo customary lands.
Face the Future
“We have been working with Face the Future since the 1990s. It is one of the few players in the field of certified climate forest projects. The requirements we set for projects in which we invest are reliability, quality and verifiability. Face delivers this.”
Face the Future
Restoring Ecosystems Worldwide. Located in Wageningen, The Netherlands, Face the Future has ample experience in carbon forestry, dating back to the very beginning of the voluntary carbon market. We bring a unique combination of skills; from project development to monitoring as well as the marketing of carbon credits.