The standard of AMS-STD-595 defines a color index system used by Government activities in a format suitable for color identification, color selection, color matching, and quality control inspection.
Federal Standard FS.595a/595B to model paints. The colours in the Federal Standard set have no official names, just five-digit numbers. Any names given below are generic. The example of the FS number could be:
The colors in the Federal Standard set have no official names, just five-digit numbers. Any names given below are generic. The first figure can be 1,2 or 3 and indicates the level of sheen:
Federal Standard 595, known as SAE AMS-STD-595 – Colors Used in Government Procurement, formerly FED-STD-595, is a United States Federal Standard for colors, issued by the General Services Administration.
In practice, the FS set is extensive enough to find a good-enough match for almost any color. The following chart is a reference guide only to give you an idea as to the approximate color.