- Dudhi
- 根据 2 个来源
Dugdhika Badi: ईष्वर का वरदान है दुग्धिका- Acharya …
2018年7月24日 · वानस्पतिक नाम: Euphorbia hirta Linn. (यूफॉर्बिया हिरटा) कुल: Euphorbiaceae (यूफॉर्बिएसी) अंग्रेज़ी नाम: Thyme leaved spurge (थाईम लीव्ड …
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Dugdhika (Euphorbia hirta) – Uses, Remedies, Side Effects, Research
在easyayurveda.com上查看更多信息Traditional Remedies of Euphorbia hirta 1. Decoction of dry dugdhika is used in skin diseases. 2. In thrush, decoction of fresh herb is used as gargle. 3. Plant decoction is used in bronchial asthma and other chronic kapha disorders. 4. Juice of plants is used in dysentery and abdominal pain. 5. In styles, stem sap is used. …- 预计阅读时间:5 分钟
Dughdika (Euphorbia hirta) - Uses, Health Benefits, Dosage, …
English: Snakeweed, Hindi: Dudhi, Sanskrit: Dugadhika The plant has a reputation for increasing milk flow in women, because of its milky latex, and is used for other female complaints as well …
Euphorbia Hirta health benefits in Hindi/Urdu|| Doodhia Ghas
2020年10月5日 · Euphorbia hirta is a strange, hairy herbaceous plant that is often found growing on the roadsides in tropical parts of the world. Pl... What is Euphorbia Hirta?
Dugdhika – Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College & Hospital
2025年1月16日 · Botanical Name : Euphorbia hirta L. Family : Euphorbiaceae. Introduction : Euphorbia hirta (sometimes called asthma-plant )is a pantropical weed, originating from the …
Asthma Weed - Medicinal Plants
The Scientific name of Asthma weed: Euphorbia Hirta Name in different languages:-English: Hairy spurge, Garden spurge, Pill pod sandman, Asthma plant, Snakeweed. Sanscrit: Barokheruie, Chara. Hindi: Baridhudi, Dudhghas, …
Euphorbia Hirta | Uses & Benefits of Euphorbia
EUPHORBIA HIRTA. The common name for Euphoria Hirta is Snakeweed. In Hindi it is known with the name Dudhi and the Sanskrit name is Dugadhika. It is a popular folklore medicine for relieving dengue in Philippines. The plant has the …
Gatas-gatas / Botobotones / Asthma weed / Euphorbia hirta: …
All species of Euphorbia exude a milky juice when broken, and Euphorbia hirta's local name "gatas-gatas" derives from this. Botany Gatas-gatas is a slender-stemmed, annual hairy plant …
Euphorbia hirta - Asthma Weed - Flowers of India
Common name: Asthma Weed, Dove milk, Common spurge, Cats hair • Hindi: बड़ा दुधी Bara dudhi • Manipuri: ꯄꯥꯈꯡ ꯂꯩꯇꯣꯟ Pakhang leiton, ꯄꯥꯈꯡꯕꯥ ꯃꯇꯣꯟ Pakhangba maton • Marathi: दुधी Dudhi • Tamil: …
खरपतवार प्रबंधन – ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research
Scientific name: Euphorbia hirta Common name: Common spurge, Asthma weed, Bari dudhi Description and identification Nature: Perennial herb (60 cm tall) Stem: Sparingly branched, …
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