Is Eric Bana the best Hulk ever? : r/marvelstudios - Reddit
2023年7月18日 · Eric Bana did a superb job in The Hulk (2003) and from my perspective he should've continued being the The Hulk in the sequels but the powers decided to give the job to Ed Norton and well, it didn't turned out to be as spectacular as many thought it would be. Eric had it all, the looks, the acting skills and was in the right age.
Eric Bana Hulk vs Edward Norton Hulk vs Mark Ruffalo Hulk in a
2022年10月21日 · Bana's hulk was the only one that showed an increase in mass and strength "post" transformation...the other hulk transformed when upset, but didn't get larger or stronger than their transformed state...there is an arguement However for the immortal hulk/breaker of world hulk who is technically the strongest being in the entire MCU.
Eric Bana as Hulk or Edward Norton as Hulk? : r/movies - Reddit
Honestly, Eric Bana is much more of a badass than Bruce Banner is. That doesn't say a lot, but the difference is clear. Bana was pretty tough in Chopper (2000) and Black Hawk Down (2001), both before Ang Lee's Hulk (2004). I enjoyed Ed Norton's try at it so much, I really hate to analyze it. I just bought it from front to back.
Eric Bana’s ‘Hulk’ Better then you remember. : r/movies - Reddit
If anything Bana would have elevated Marvel and pushed the actors. This Hulk was the most powerful on screen hulk I have ever seen. And the scale of the action was incredible. Great special effects for the time. This Hulk making a cameo in the first Iron Man would have blown gaskets. For the record I like the current Hulk.
Eric Bana's Portrayal of Bruce Banner is One of the Most ... - Reddit
Eric Bana's Hulk had two things going for him: A director that didn't need to make all his characters puke a quip every 15 seconds and an entire movie focused on his character. Ruffalo has only been in two movies as Banner both of which were written and directed by the last person who should ever touch a serious property (as you might know from ...
Eric Bana Hulk is so underrated, maybe audience couldn't see
2022年1月20日 · Literally the only thing good is the fact that he is comic book accurate, hulk is a really good character with a good backstory but like Spider-Man his story was repeated again and again and again, and it warped it to the point by the second film I did not care and so did many people, I do agree however that Eric bana did have a good version of hulk though.
Confused by the Hulk Movies!! : r/marvelstudios - Reddit
2022年2月22日 · Hulk 2003, starring Eric Bana, does not take place in the MCU. The Incredible Hulk, starring Edward Norton, does take place in the MCU, and takes place between Iron Man 2 and Avengers. After Incredible Hulk, Edward Norton left the role and was replaced by …
Eric Bana's Hulk as Maestro : r/hulk - Reddit
2022年4月3日 · Perhaps in that reality, the puny humans got Betty killed and Hulk became unstoppable. There were no other heroes to stop him here. Maestro in the comics isn't from the mainstream 616 reality so it would actually make sense. As flawed a movie as it is, I think the story of Eric Bana Hulk is actually perfect for Maestro.
Bring back Eric Bana's Hulk as Maestro : r/marvelstudios - Reddit
2022年1月12日 · Eric Bana Hulk is so underrated, maybe audience couldn't see how good and comic accurate this film was at it's time. I wanted him to come back as MCU Hulk but they rebooted, let's see if multiverse helps...
How would your rate Eric Bana’s performance as Hulk? : r/hulk
2023年1月30日 · It's my childhood movie I still like it Eric bana's Bruce banner did a great job portraying in a origin story and honorable mention, mention Danny elfman's score was outstanding. Edward Norton was alright as Bruce banner for more action hulk and Mark Ruffalo he balance as Bruce banner and the hulk, he looks like the actors face as the hulk that ...