The Ergative Case - San José State University
The ergative case is hard to understand because it refers to something not found in English. Generally it has to do with a language having a special indication that the subject in a sentence which has a transitive verb and direct object. If the subject is the agent of the action involved for the transitive verb then then there is special marker ...
Ergative Verbs and Processes in English Grammar - ThoughtCo
2019年11月4日 · In an ergative language (such as Basque or Georgian, but not English), ergative is the grammatical case that identifies the noun phrase as the subject of a transitive verb. R.L. Trask draws this broad distinction between ergative languages and nominative languages (which include English): "Roughly, ergative languages focus their articulation on the agency of the …
D. Ergative Case Systems: Overt case marking is a morphological realization of the distinguished status of the ergative among the direct arguments of a verb. In the simplest ergative system, the other direct arguments are in the (morphologically unmarked) nominative: (1) Warlpiri (Central Australia): (a) (b) Ngarrka-ngku marlu
Ergative case is said to mark transitive subjects, and it is widely as-sumed that this is true under the ordinary definition of transitive; how-ever, Bittner and Hale (1996) propose that ergative languages fall into two types, neither of which is based on the ordinary notion of transitiv-
The patterns discussed herein demonstrate that the assignment of ergative case cannot be reduced to a single factor and should not be oversimplified. In addition, the patterns are perhaps unexpected for two types of approaches to ergative case. One such approach treats ergative as a high case, based in the CP/TP domain (for example, Levin and Mas
ergative pattern of Case marking, even a modest foray into the realms of Case, agreement, binding, and scope relations, brings to light differences which cast serious doubt on the linguistic unity of the type. In this paper, we present a theory in which the differences among three ergative languages, those just mentioned, receive a natural account.
What's the difference between accusative, unaccusative, ergative…
2011年10月23日 · Ergative and accusative refer to cases (noun inflections). In languages that have it, accusative marks the objects of transitive verbs. Ergative case marks the subject of transitive verbs. Languages are often divided into Nominative-Accusative and Ergative-Absolutive, but this is an over-simplification.
Varieties of Ergative | The Oxford Handbook of Case - Oxford …
Ergative case — also ergative marker or simply ergative — is the term given to the grammatical morpheme associated with the noun phrase functioning as subject of a transitive clause. In phonological terms, ergative cases are in general highly grammaticalised morphemes. In semantic terms, ergatives mark noun phrases that typically play the ...
in some ergative languages, there are subjects of two-argument verbs that fail to receive ergative case. This latter point can be formulated as the Ergative Case Generalization (ECG, cf. Marantz 1991: 236): (4) Even when ergative case may go on the subject of an intransitive clause, ergative case will not appear on a derived subject.
Ergative-absolutive case marking ‘mother’ yabu (S or O) yabu Ngu (A) ‘father’ Numa (S or O) Numa-Ngu (A) So, in Dyirbal, S and O are grouped together (marked the same way) to the ex clusion of A. (Whereas English and Latin group S and A together to the exclusion of O.) Dixon (1994) estimates that 25% of the world’s languages have ...
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