Cancer of the Endolarynx - JAMA Network
CANCER of the endolarynx is not common, but neither is it rare. Of the tobacco-induced malignant neoplasms, 12 pulmonary carcinomas to one cancer of the endolarynx are encountered. However, unlike cancer of the lung, laryngeal carcinoma is …
Surgical anatomy of the larynx - ScienceDirect
2019年12月1日 · Surgical intervention within the larynx requires a detailed knowledge of the structure and the relationships between all components in order to avoid complications that may impair proper functioning of the larynx.
Larynx and hypopharynx - Radiology Key
2024年3月25日 · Endolarynx: the mucosal surfaces adjacent to the airway and the submucosal soft tissues. The endolarynx is classified into three subsites: supraglottis, glottis and subglottis (discussed under imaging anatomy subsites).
Endolaryngeal | definition of endolaryngeal by ... - Medical …
Meaning of endolaryngeal medical term. What does endolaryngeal mean?
The endolarynx Theinnerstructureofthe larynx consists ofa frame-work of cartilage and connective tissue ( Figure 2 A and B). Articulatingontopofthelaminaofthe
Larynx and Hypopharynx - Radiology Key
2015年12月27日 · The detection of a connection between the endolarynx and upper edge of the thyroid cartilage makes the diagnosis easier. Hypoechoic appearance and lack of any intrinsic perfusion undermine the suspicion of a laryngocele, as does the possible enlargement of the lesion with a Valsalva maneuver.
Surgical anatomy of the larynx - Operative Techniques in …
2019年9月26日 · Surgical intervention within the larynx requires a detailed knowledge of the structure and the relationships between all components in order to avoid complications that may impair proper functioning of the larynx.
Larynx - Radiology Key
2019年8月20日 · The inner mucosal surface of the larynx, or endolarynx, can be thought of as the working part of the organ. Two prominent parallel folds stretch from front to back along the lateral aspect of each side of the airway (see Figs. 25-1 and 25-2 ).
Endolaryngeal high-frequency ultrasound - PubMed
Specially developed high-resolution, real-time ultrasound transducers (10 and 20 MHz) placed on the tip of endoluminal catheters were inserted into 20 autopsied larynges and five laryngectomy specimens. In a standardized examination process the …
Suturing techniques in endolaryngeal surgery - PubMed
In the past 15 years surgery of the endolarynx has been greatly expanded. This development has been the product of three main factors: technological advancements such as the microcautery, improved knowledge about the healing properties of the endolarynx, and new surgical techniques.