Problems with Shaman talents? - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年8月8日 · its not just importing some talents don’t work properly since the prepatch like the Enhancement Shaman version of Elemental Blast or the PvP talent Shamanism. Blizzard is probably going to make us wait till TWW launches to fix any of these problems.
11.0.5. Ele Shaman 10/29 Balance Tuning Summary - By …
2024年10月28日 · I posted this in the Blue Post about the 10/29 changes, but I figured I’d toss it here for better visibility to stir the pot. The following is a post made in the Earthshrine discord, the Shaman theory-crafting discord, and was written by HawkCorrigan, the Elemental Shaman Wowhead guide writer. The current estimates and discussions were made with the combined …
Shaman Hero Talents - Stormbringer should be Resto
2024年5月10日 · Totally unimportant topic, but I keep reading people assuming stormbringer will be for elemental and enhancement, and that far seer will be elemental and resto. I think it is safe to assume that stormbringer will be elemental, but I think the second spec fits closer to resto in theme than enhancement. I assume folks just hear ‘stormbringer’ and assume lightning …
Elemental Reworking Skills and Talents - MMO-Champion
2024年4月4日 · Hello everyone, I would like to propose the reworking of some Elemental Shaman’s talents/skills. I also took inspiration from the “Open Letter from Elivrio” from the Storm, Earth and Lava website. Elemental Shaman Talents Tree ELEMENTAL FURY (deleted) In order for the developers to fix the Shaman’s profile damage, this talent must be eliminated. …
Elemental build w/ Stormbringer (Enhancement) - Shaman - World …
2024年8月21日 · It seems like the elementalist build for Enhance is more geared for the Totemic hero talents, while the storm build is more geared for the Stormbringer hero tree. It’s just…I really don’t like the Totemic hero talents, at all. Even if they buffed the damage, it’s completely unappealing to me. Do you think the elementalist build with stormbringer hero talents could …
Dragonflight Elemental Shaman Tree Feedback - Shaman - World …
2022年7月27日 · Hello all! This thread is created to discuss Elemental Shaman tree - talents, possible changes, improvements and even new talents into it. To start, Elemental talent tree is decent. It has braches of Lightning (left part), elemental combos / Maelstrom management / Mastery (middle) and Fire (right part) and new talents are mostly useful - Flame Shock …
Tidesage (hero talents) - Shaman - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年3月9日 · " When your Storm Elementalor or Fire Elemental expires, it leaves behind a Spark or Ember Elemental to continue attacking enemies for 30 seconds.") Its not a cooldown, just a small dps ability and it has a chance to…i dunno. Automatically spread riptide / flame shock. So you can summon a mini water elemental. Lets just say 30s cd, lasts 20 ...
Elemental Shaman 11.0.5 Feedback - The War Within Patch 11.0.5 …
2024年9月6日 · Note, this feedback is entirely around design and not regarding things like overall strength (as that’s entirely done via tuning) or on the visuals of the new Ascendance. The Good Bug fix of Storm Frenzy is good. Little surprised it took so long, but good nonetheless. Finally allowing icefury to proc from LB/CL is a similarly good step. Lightning relevant capstones …
Farseer Shaman Specializations: Elemental and Restoration
2024年3月18日 · So these Hero Talents looks like it’s just about Calling on a “Pet” or Ancestor to help you out like Mages do with Water Elemental. They will either heal or do damage. From what I gather this seems to add more to Fire spells like Lava Burst giving it another charge. I would assume Stormbringer will be the Lightning equal to this but relying more so on spells then …
Ele shaman 11.0.5 changes - Shaman - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年9月6日 · Honestly, these all read as huge nerfs in pve and pvp. Ele was very strong in M+ and already ate a nerf. The changes have massive carryover effect in PvP as well (if you care). I don’t understand why Blizz seems hellbent on reworking ele in a half patch this early. It was, mostly, fine? The good stuff I saw: Stormbringer changes Icefury cleave Ascendance flame …