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Dusky Langur,Trachypithecus obscurus - New England …
Dusky langurs are folivores (leaf-eaters) and consume a wide variety of leaves, sourcing from over 87 kinds of trees. Their specialized physiology, shared by all monkeys of their genus, allows them to eat an abundance of vegetation, …
Dusky Leaf Monkey - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
在animalia.bio上查看更多信息Dusky leaf monkeys are currently hunted for their meat throughout their range. These animals also suffer from loss and degradation of their natural range because of urbanization, agriculture as well expansion of oil palm plantations. Additionally, population in Peninsular Malaysia is threatened by a high level of road-kill.Spectacled Leaf Monkey - Langur Project Penang (LPP)
2020年7月23日 · The dusky langurs are native species in Peninsular Malaysia, Myanmmar and Thailand. Dusky Leaf Monkey is a species of primate in the …
- Average lifespan: 15 years
- Geographical range: Malay Peninsula, Myanma r & Thailand
- Diet: Fruit, seeds, leaves & flowers, shoots
Spectacled Langur - KHAO SOK National Park, Thailand
The Spectacled Langur, also known as Dusky Langur, Dusky Leaf Monkey or Spectacled Leaf Monkey, is one of the monkeys most commonly found in …
- 体重: 5-9 kg.
- 预计阅读时间:2 分钟
Dusky Langur - The Animal Facts
Dusky langurs also go by the name dusky leaf monkey. This is due to most of their diet being composed of leaves. Other foods they eat include shoots, seedlings, fruit (especially if unripe) and flowers. They consume up to 2kg …
Dusky Langur Characteristics | Trachypithecus obscurus …
Dusky langurs also known as spectacled langurs, spectacled leaf monkeys, and dusky leaf monkeys, are primarily found in the Malay Peninsula in Asia. White rings surrounding the deep, dark eyes give the species its alternative name, …
Dusky Leaf Monkey (Trachypithecus obscurus) | about …
2016年1月8日 · Owing to its interesting looks, appearance and adorable size, the dusky leaf monkey or spectacled Langur is listed among the cutest animals in the world. The different subspecies are differentiated by the color of their fur.
Dusky Leaf Monkey - We Love Langkawi
2017年1月4日 · Langkawi’s Dusky Leaf Monkey. As one of the two species of monkeys that may be found on Langkawi, the dusky leaf monkey is one of them. The dusty leaf monkey is considered to be one of the prettiest animals in the …
Dusky Leaf Monkey Behavior - AnimalBehaviorCorner
2023年4月7日 · The Dusky Leaf Monkey, also known as spectacled langur, is a fascinating primate that inhabits the forests of Southeast Asia. Their unique physical characteristics and social behavior have captivated the attention of …