Medial collateral ligament of the knee - Radiopaedia.org
2024年12月19日 · The medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee is a flat, triangular band on its medial aspect that resists valgus forces. It forms part of the medial capsuloligamentous complex of the knee. The medial collateral ligament measures 8-10 cm in length and has superficial and deep portions 4.
Medial Collateral Ligament of the Knee - Physiopedia
The medial collateral ligament is recognised as being a primary static stabiliser of the knee and assists in passively stabilising the joint. The superficial and deep ligaments each have a unique function, making the MCL the primary responder to valgus stress and a secondary restraint to rotational forces.
Medial Collateral Ligament Injury of the Knee - Physiopedia
A medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury is a stretch, partial tear, or complete tear of the ligament on the inside of the knee. A valgus trauma or external tibia rotation are the causes of this injury.
Injury to the proximal deep medial collateral ligament: a ... - PubMed
Most injuries to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) heal well after conservative treatment. We have identified a subgroup of injuries to the deep portion of the MCL which is refractory to conservative treatment and causes persistant symptoms. They usually occur in high-level football players and m …
Medial Collateral Ligament - Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
- deep MCL: - anatomically this is the third (deep) layer of the medial compartment, which is many cases will be separated from the superficial MCL (layer II) by a bursa (which allows sliding of the tissues during flexion); - divided into meniscofemoral and meniscotibial ligaments;
Medial Collateral Ligament Injury of the Knee: A Review on …
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is a major stabilizer of the knee joint, providing support against rotatory and valgus forces; moreover, it is the most common ligament injured during knee trauma. The MCL injury results in valgus instability of the knee and makes the patient susceptible to degenerative knee osteoarthritis.
Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Knee Medial Collateral Ligament
2023年8月14日 · The MCL is the primary passive and static stabilizer of the medial knee. It is composed of a superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) and a deep medial collateral ligament (dMCL). The sMCL has its proximal insertion at the medial epicondyle of the femur where it blends into the semimembranosus tendon.
Medial collateral ligament of the knee: anatomy, management …
2019年4月1日 · The deep MCL is a condensation of the medial joint capsule, and is most distinct along the anterior border of the ligament. The posterior border of the deep MCL blends with the POL. There are two distinct components to the deep MCL: meniscofemoral and meniscotibial.
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) - Radiology Key
2016年4月2日 · Schematic illustration of the MCL. The superficial layer (also known as the tibial collateral ligament) and the deep layer (also known as medial capsular ligament). Superficial layer of MCL attaches to the tibia at 7–8 cm below the joint space (note the significant distance).
Morphology of the medial collateral ligament of the knee - PMC
Medial collateral ligament (MCL) consists of two components, the superficial MCL (sMCL) and deep MCL (dMCL). The MCL has been described as the primary static stabilizer against valgus rotation of the knee joint [1,2].