Home | Divers Alert Network
Divers Alert Network (DAN) is the world’s most recognised and respected dive safety organisation comprised of dive professionals and medical experts dedicated to supporting divers.
DAN Dive Cover Packages - dansa.org
DAN offers comprehensive plans that provide protection and peace-of-mind in the event of a dive accident for far less than the cost of an unplanned event.
Annual Dive Cover | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
Call us and speak to a specialist +27 82-810-6010. You can submit non-urgent medical questions via email anytime at [email protected]. WORLDCUE PLANNER: Your real-time resource offering information about vaccinations, travel document requirements, foreign exchange rates and travel advisories.
DAN Southern Africa - Annual Benefits - dansa.org
There are two types of family memberships: Diving Family Membership and Non-Diving Family Membership. Diving family members of the principle diving member pay the full membership fee. Non-diving, immediate family members can be added under the cover of the main diver at no extra cost and are only covered for emergency medical and evacuation benefits.
DAN Services | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
DAN has built a reputation that people can trust. This is due, in part, to the consistent efforts made to reinvest in programs for diver training, education and dive-specific medical research. Our reputation has also been forged through the operation of our 24/7 emergency hotline and medical information line. The diving community can depend upon DAN to be there when we are …
DAN Southern Africa - Annual Renewal - dansa.org
The Divers Alert Network (DAN) is a non-profit organisation and the largest association of scuba divers in the world. It has 9 000 members locally and more than 250 000 internationally. The dues from these members are used to fund the organisation.
About | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
Striving to make every dive accident- and injury-free. DAN's vision is to be the most recognized and trusted organization worldwide in the fields of dive safety and emergency services, health, research and education by its members, instructors, supporters and the recreational diving community at large.
Health & Diving Resources | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
The document might be subject to changes and updates. In this regard, we intend to listen to the community: dive operators, dive centres managers, and all those who want to contribute with their knowledge and insights. If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected]
Dive Medical Forms | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
After countless hours of research, discussion & collaboration between the world’s leading diving and hyperbaric medical experts, several new dive medical forms are now available.
Chamber Network | Divers Alert Network - dansa.org
If you are affiliated with a hyperbaric chamber facility and you wish us to include you on our chamber referral network, look at the criteria below and DAN us at [email protected]. We appreciate your interest in giving recreational divers dive medicine services.