Suspend cross-reference updating - Affinity | Forum
2025年2月22日 · If positive, I would ask a feature that may be called something like "Suspend cross-reference updating", where this continual checking is suspended, until this command is deactivated again. To avoid negatives, the switch could be a "Live cross-reference update", that is enabled by default, but can be temporarily deactivated. Paolo
Globally update cross-reference styles? - Affinity | Forum
2023年11月28日 · I formatted my cross references without any difference in visual style for the paperback, but now I'm converting it to a PDF and I'd like to highlight the clickable links in some way (underlining, maybe). I can't see a way to do this without clicking into each cross reference in turn and updating each individually with a new style.
Automatic numbering of figures / tables and cross ... - Affinity
2023年3月14日 · I need to cross-reference to headers within chapters, illustrations, etc. -- at a finer level than sections. PagePlus did it, and I quote: "PagePlus allows you to cross-reference to headings and achored text, tables, pictures, or diagrams...numbered paragraphs, footnotes/endnotes, and next/previous frames...
Affinity Publisher 2 - How do I add a cross reference
2022年11月17日 · If you want to insert a continued from/on reference (e.g., continued on page 19), you can do so with Text > Insert > Fields > Next/Previous Frame Number. If you want to insert a cross reference (e.g., see Jones on page 23), there isn't a way to do that automatically in Publisher v2. Cheers
In Publisher, How to Create Multiple Endnotes That Reference
2024年3月6日 · Using the Frame Text tool, position the text cursor where you want the additional reference to be inserted. Click the Insert Cross-Reference icon in the Cross-References panel or choose Text > Cross-References > Insert Cross-Reference. Select Paragraph from Link To and type the first few words of the footnote or endnote text to find the note.
Change multiple cross-references at once - Affinity | Forum
2024年6月9日 · To change all cross-references from one preset to another you must edit each cross-reference, one at a time. This is tedious for hundreds of cross-references. It would be helpful if we could choose a command from the xref panel menu to change all selected xrefs to a …
Adobe vs. Affinity revisited - Feedback for the Affinity V2 Suite of ...
2024年9月23日 · The idea of having a help cross-reference for folks trying out Affinity products coming from Adobe is a great. It would not only be helpful for users to get up to speed faster but as a sales tool to allow testers to find specific features they are used to using in Adobe and see if Affinity has a comparable one.
References, in-text citations and bibliography - Affinity
2023年6月20日 · I think it would be good to use cross-references for this, because that will allow you to make specific formats (e.g. just a [1], [2] or [Author name, date], (Author name, date, page number). If this could be part of Publisher, it would save a lot of time and might attract people who use dedicated referencing/ bibliography software.
[FAQ] 2.3 Release Notes (improvements and major fixes)
2023年11月28日 · (Publisher) Independent formatting of cross-reference field In addition to those features on all platforms above, these are the Windows and macOS features and improvements. Move Data Entry improvements. Scale option to resize by a given percentage Insertion Mode options to insert duplicates in front of or behind the original object
All 2.6 Release Notes (inc. improvements and major fixes in 2.6
2025年2月12日 · Inserting a cross-reference crashes the app Crash when tapping Home with finger held down Locking Screen whilst long pressing a live doc to rearrange tiles crashes app User file - File containing linked resource crashes on open. Unable to navigate between Korean characters using Left/Right arrows on iPad Unable to set default Shape parameters