约 278 个结果

Commemorative Rifle | Winchester Rifles | Forum | Winchester ...
2016年4月16日 · I have to admit I have been attracted to Commemerative at times , coincidently in that early 80’s period where I bought , 2 J/W 32-40, a Crazy Horse 38-55, (wood quality …
Dates -Winchester Collector
To the maximum extent possible, the year of manufacture information was derived from the original Winchester Factory Polishing Room serialization records.
Winchester Collector - Forum: Winchester Shotguns
I still think the 1887/1901 action is one of the most efficient, elegant designs he could have come up with....crazy smart. Jeremy, The high-wall Single Shot is a 20-gauge. Winchester …
The Winchester Collector
Our quarterly club magazine, The Winchester Collector, is devoted to collectable Winchester arms and related products, club activities and classified ads. Each issue is loaded with great articles …