1. Common Crepe Myrtle Problems - Information On Crepe Myrtle ...


    Other crepe myrtle tree problems include not having enough water during dry periods. In order for your crepe myrtle tree to grow well, you need to make sure it has enough water to ensure normal growth. Mulching around the tree can help the soil maintain enough moisture during drought periods. Crepe Myrtle Diseases and Pests. Most crepe myrtle disease is caused by pests. Crepe myrtle pests include aphids and mold. When it comes to aphids, these crepe

  2. Diseases of Crape Myrtles | The Tree Centerâ„¢


    Diseases of Crape Myrtles Powdery Mildew. This is the most common disease seen on Crape Myrtles, and it is easily recognized. In summer you will... Cercospora Leaf Spot. This disease is not as well known as Powdery Mildew among gardeners, but it is a serious disease... In Conclusion…. Neither of ...

  3. Common Diseases That Pose Problems for Crepe Myrtle Trees ...


    Common Diseases and Pests Aphids. The common garden pests that infect crepe myrtle are aphids. They affect flowering plants and fruiting trees. Sooty Mold. Sooty mold indicates the presence of insect infestation. This is a charcoal black fungus that covers the... Cercospora Leaf Spot. Yellow and ...

  4. Crepe Myrtle Bark Diseases: Learn About Crepe Myrtle Bark ...


    Crepe Myrtle Bark Diseases from Scale. If your crepe myrtle is affected by white scale, it may develop black sooty mold (In fact, the sooty, black substance may be the first sign of white scale on crepe myrtles.). This fungal disease grows on the sweet substance excreted by white scale or other sap-sucking insects such as aphids, whiteflies or mealybugs.

  5. Crape Myrtle Problems | Home Guides | SF Gate


    A primary disease of crape myrtles is powdery mildew. This fungal disease is caused by the pathogen Erysiphe lagerstroemia, which leaves white growths resembling talcum powder on leaves, flowers...