Cotton Production practices and resources from ... - Cotton …
A variety of cotton production, crop management, yield variety, and fiber quality data resources.
Discover the Benefits of Sustainable Cotton | Cotton Today
Cotton is more than just a natural, plant-derived fiber option in a world of manmade and petrochemical-based plastic fibers. It is also a source of sustainable innovation in production, manufacturing and recycling. Learn how advanced cotton agriculture is preserving and improving the environment.
Cotton Industry Websites
Cotton LEADS™ is a program that is committed to responsible cotton production and is founded on core principles that are consistent with sustainability, the use of best practices and traceability in the supply chain.
Cotton Incorporated's Company History - A Timeline of Events
Cotton Incorporated's company history timeline starts in 1960 includes information about the textile marketplace and the cotton industry during that time.
US Cotton Ten Year Sustainability Goals - Pathways to Progress
U.S. cotton producers and industry organizations are setting new environmental targets to keep pushing the frontier of sustainability and leading the worldwide effort in responsible cotton production.
Cotton Today - Environmental Responsibility - Cotton Incorporated
Numerous scientific advances related to the growing and processing of cotton, and the manufacturing of cotton products over the past 40 years, has enabled the cotton industry to reduce its environmental impacts.
Cotton Production Research
Cotton Production Research The Agricultural and Environmental Research department at Cotton Incorporated provides research and technical services to cotton growers, ginners and their support industries.
Cotton Incorporated - US Upland Cotton Research & Marketing …
Cotton Production Adopting more efficient practices is now a requirement instead of an advantage for all segments of the cotton industry. Cotton Incorporated is committed to providing information and resources to help meet and exceed these challenges.
Sustainability - Cotton Incorporated
To help meet the textile fiber and other needs of the Earth’s growing population, projected to reach nine billion by 2050, the cotton industry must simultaneously reduce environmental impact and increase the volume of cotton grown.
Agriculture and Innovations - CottonToday
2022年2月23日 · Leveraging technology to make cotton production more efficient and more sustainable is at the core of what Cotton Incorporated is focusing on, and we look forward to sharing future updates and innovations.