Correct use of "consist" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Consist of means "be composed or made up of". The NOAD reports three different meanings of consist, but the verb is always used with a preposition: consist of, consist in, consist with. The exhibition consists of 180 drawings. His duties consist in taking the condition of the barometer. The information perfectly consists with our friend's account.
"Consist in" vs. "consist of" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Consist of X means made up of X, while consist in X means have X as essential feature. The meaning is slightly different. For example, His breakfast consists of noodles, eggs and bananas. Her music consists in inspiring others. One would write. Meditation consists in attentive watchfulness. to mean that watchfulness is an essential feature of ...
Correct usage of "consists of" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2018年7月24日 · This note is a good example of how the acceptability of word usage changes over time, and I'm not sure if "consist" is undergoing the same sort of drift. Another and even more contentious example is "substitute" where strictly speaking the "substitute" is the replacement supposed to take the place of the thing removed, however it's extremely ...
Consisted of / on / in | WordReference Forums
2015年1月15日 · Edit: In my opinion, the correct preposition to use with "consist" is "of". "Consist in" sounds completely wrong to my ear. You can find this topic discussed in depth if you search our dictionary for consist in. At the bottom of the page, you will see a list of previous conversations in the forum about that topic.
"Consists of" vs. "consists in": different meanings of the verb, or …
Consist seems to occur in two constructions, one of which is followed by a list of Noun Phrase constituents introduced by of, but generally not in: Columbus's fleet consisted of the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
consist on/of - WordReference Forums
2008年9月14日 · Hola:). sé que el tema de consists in/of ya ha sido preguntado pero no sé como aplicarlo. ¿Cómo puedo decir "la cita consiste en una cena romántica..."?¿y cómo puedo decir "el concurso consiste en elegir una puerta..."?. quedé confundida con el in y el of :confused:
consist of/ in + verb | WordReference Forums
2007年4月11日 · For these kind of questions, you may be better off if you first consult one of the on-line dictionaries. For example, for consist you will find: consist in something lie in, involve, reside in, be expressed by, subsist, be found or contained in: His work as a consultant consists in advising foreign companies. His religion consists only in going ...
Consist of/ Consist in - WordReference Forums
2006年11月14日 · Apparently it is used 'consist of' when relates to what its made of and 'consist in' when relates to its structure. An example could be: a car 'consists in' 4 wheels, a chassis, an engine and a transmission. a molecule of water 'consist of' 2 parts of hydrogen and 1 part of oxygen. For more detail see thefreedictionary.com and search 'consists'
etymology - How does 'consist' compound with 'in' mean “to have …
2014年8月29日 · So consist means: Stand together/with. Usage1:cosist of. A is B of standing together. => A is B of consisting. as time goes on, it turns slowly into: A consists of B. So "consist of" turns into the meaning: "to be formed from two or more things". Usage2:consist in. A stands with in (within) B. So "consist in" means “to exist in or ...
consisted of, consisting of, consist (s) of - WordReference Forums
2009年1月3日 · I'm kind of confused about when to use 'consisted of' and when to use 'consisting of' or consist(s) of. My guess is that when preceded by 'is' or 'are', 'consisted of' should be used. 'A is consisted of B and C'. If not preceded by 'is' or 'are', either 'consist(s) of' or 'consisting of'...