How to Make a Compost Water Heater
It is undeniable that a home without hot water in the United States and most of the other industrial world is considered to be a poverty-stricken household. Hot water is an indispensable feature of our homes that w… 展开
An Outline of The Jean Paine Method of Heating WaterLuckily, there are other ways to heat the water that you use. If you heat your home with a wood stove (one of the most ecological and sustainable ways to heat a home), you can … 展开
The Permaculture Research InstituteHow to Set Up Your Compost Powered Hot Water HeaterFor people who are looking for a more advanced system than simply showering underneath a hose, the Jean Pain method can be adapted to any home. If your home already has a pl… 展开
The Permaculture Research InstituteWood Chips Versus Other Compostable MaterialsAnother important consideration for your compost powered water heater system is what types of materials to use in your compost pile. The more traditional garden compost pile is … 展开
The Permaculture Research InstituteGreenhouse Gas Emissions Or Fertile Top Soil?The first step to a more sustainable livelihood is questioning whether the excesses of our industrial lifestyles are necessary. While hot water in our homes is a nice luxury, do … 展开
The Permaculture Research Institute