Clustering a long list of strings (words) into similarity groups
$\begingroup$ It seems that there are some special string clustering algorithms. If you come from specifically text-mining field, not statistics /data analysis, this statement is warranted. However, …
Clustering methods that do not require pre-specifying the number …
2016年10月24日 · Clustering algorithms that require you to pre-specify the number of clusters are a small minority. There are a huge number of algorithms that don't. They are hard to …
What are the most common metrics for comparing two clustering ...
This is still not straightforward -- a clustering can be consistent with a a gold standard (be a sub-clustering or super-clustering) and this has to be taken into account but often is not. I've seen …
clustering - How to decide on the correct number of clusters?
The L Method is described here: Determining the Number of Clusters/Segments in Hierarchical Clustering/Segmentation Algorithms Stan Salvador and Philip Chan. Essentially this evaluates …
distance functions - Choosing a clustering method - Cross Validated
Clustering algorithms can be categorized based on their "cluster model". An algorithm designed for a particular kind of model will generally fail on a different kind of model. For eg, k-means …
Why do we use k-means instead of other algorithms?
Other clustering algorithms with better features tend to be more expensive. In this case, k-means becomes a great solution for pre-clustering, reducing the space into disjoint smaller sub …
Is it important to scale data before clustering?
2014年3月12日 · Clustering on the normalised data works very well. The same would apply with data clustered in both dimensions, but normalisation would help less. In that case, it might help …
clustering - What algorithm should I use to cluster a huge binary ...
3 - Now apply kmeans. you can use the Euclidean metric, or experiment with other metrics that you kmeans implementation supports. No need to use a specific binary clustering algorithm. …
Evaluation measures of goodness or validity of clustering (without ...
2012年1月27日 · Most often, internal clustering criteria are used for comparing cluster partitions with different number of clusters k obtained via the same method of clustering (or other …
r - Comparing clustering algorithms - Cross Validated
I am conducting clustering analysis in which I am using three clustering algorithms K-means, Spectral Clustering, and Hierarchical clustering on 3 datasets in UCI repository. I have used R …